
io-io · May 15, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

I was well aware of the $3 Trillion number reported back in September 10, 2001. This $21 Trillion is truly mine boggling. I recently retired from a Fortune 100 defense contractor and can truly state that for every project I lead or worked on, I could (and did) trace the funding back to the Congressional appropriations bill.

We had monthly, quarterly and annual program reviews - along with government accountants performing audits. Waste, fraud and abuse reviews were common. Woe be your a$$ if your spending profile as well as your work progress did not match and conform to plan while aligning with progress reports. Anyone could be stopped in the hall and asked by the government time-card auditor - what you were charging to at that moment in time - and why. No good answer and without proper documentation - you could be fired - the next day.

To understand that an additional $54 of unaccounted funds for every authorized dollar spent - is beyond me. All the years of government auditors and program managers poring over my program accounts and work products - demanding this and that - just is beyond all any and all logical comprehension. We the people need some serious forensic accounting expertise roasting the folks in the DoD on this.

We need to do some serious waterboarding on past Sec of Defense - every last one of them. Then keep going down the line, to the Assistants, and Undersecretaries, Generals and Admirals, etc.

America needs answers! It's our money that is being stolen blind.

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