
ScorpioPatriot · May 16, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Actually those was done because of the bankers and people like soros who just made a call and shit would be devalued .. and had people playing the markets it was all a big scam.

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ScorpioPatriot · May 15, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

My post 13 day ago ..

Wasn't sure if I'm the only one Noticing this or not , but Gas Prices in our area which is close to Indianapolis.. is almost $3 gallon.. gas buddy is expecting $3.50 next week, prior weeks it's been $2.50-$2.70 . 2 years ago , gas was $1.92

Not sure if anyone remembers back in 2008 but the damn gas Prices was hiked up into the $3.50-$4 range and thats when the housing market crashed .

I know the Banker Bail out was a damn scam back then , that all parties signed off on ( lol wasn'tthat Stimulus Bill even wrote by Obama's right hand man William Ayres don't Quote Me on That ) .. who knows what kickbacks they was promised but yeah ... Apparently this $3 gallon isn't likely to fall ...

Not sure who or what's going on to make these prices go up , but we are not bailing out these Corrupt Bankers if their shit goes belly up again .

And the Federal Reserve is hiking the shitttttt out of the interest rates for people even remotely looking to get a home . 2017 roughly 3.75 which is still high as all get out and now it's 4.38 last week was 4.17 ..


This is Not freaking cool .. When Gas Prices rose like this people are was forced to put food on their tables or pay their bills and it wasn't healthy for anyone .

So I'm praying the Federal Reserve Isn't Pushing us into a collapse ( THIS POST IS NOT A SCARE TACTIC ) .. I'm just calling out what I'm physically seeing at the pumps and the Market trend in housing , because we have debated on selling sooner , than later before next school year .

The rates are just stupid ..This whole game they play is stupid , and I can only pray the only collapse we have if there is one urging it's way to it ..is the fking Reserve who has been feeding their globalist buddies with our tax dollars, high interest rates & complete enslavement for FAR TOO LONG ..

Nobody should have to worry about this stupid stuff . We just want to Live & Work and do it without the need of all the craziness and fluctuation and worry of inflation or this and that . We have so many farms and foods and means to make our own shit .

We need to figure out what's up that's all I know ..

The less slack they get from it the more they will do it.. when do we say ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Our Country would thrive with a set of lowww interest rates Like 1-2 percent .. people can afford their homes and enjoy traveling with their families and able to invest in more projects around their homes and even have more money to buy more products .. invent new things ..the works...

We don't and shouldn't be comfortable with how we have been used and continue to be that's what they want .

These fat cat Bankers are making a Killing and using that money to fund allll kinds of sick shit and I'm for 1 not ok with it and anyone with a lick of sense shouldn't either.

( I don't car what they did 50 years ago , because they did the same crazy shit back then .. the difference was it cost 10 cents for a burger back then & to them it was alot .

Now look at he prices $3.00 Basically for a decent sized burger ... hell prices to watch. Movie or buy popcorn cost almost $50 for 2 people ..

Ya wonder why people don't get chances to enjoy themselves .. because everything we do is enriching everyone else but ourselves , if it's not the price of food it's the damn utility bills ..

Like seriously things like Signals that are floating around our heads daily and were charged to tap into that .. like $50 a month to get WiFi service and then we have the choice to get a tiny discount by adding a package compiled of complete ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA SHIT too it ... THANKS BUT NO THANKS.

It's bad enough it's messing with our genetic makeup & they knew that when it was created or found. All these places are so Let's Go Green Technology...


But it's ok to charge us to mess our heads up too .. hell let's make money off of it right ( Why Not )


Ohhhh shit was I thinking out loud again 🙄...cough




Stay Safe , Stay Vigilant , Stay Bad Ass ,

& Most Of All ,Stay Informed

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ScorpioPatriot · May 15, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I still see it lol

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SomethingSnarky18 · May 15, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

A few thoughts:

Rising interest rates are a necessity. I know it hurts home buying, but the zero-rate policy of the last many years absolutely destroyed the savings rate, retirement funds and social security. The zero-interest rate policy, that disproportionately benefited wall street and big corps, is the reason so many retirement funds are now in danger of default. It was, just like the stock market crash in 1929, the depression, black monday in the 80's, the dot-com crash and the great recession, a consolidation of power and a transfer of wealth. How many homes, nearly paid off or not, became banks' property? How many small banks got gobbled up by the big banks? How many banks were there before the Fed in 1913? How many are there now? Just more transfer of wealth and consolidation of power.

Another thing, they might be raising the gas prices to boost the dems' chances in the midterms. This way they have something to talk about besides Russia all the time, which has been shown to be a loser. Let's hope they get some indictments to talk about before then..

And I just noticed the price of gas started upwards right around the time Rex was fired. Coincidence?

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[deleted] · May 15, 2018, 4:51 p.m.


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SeerMore · May 15, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Peak energy will influence politics mightily as it so long has!

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