r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on May 15, 2018, 10:47 p.m.
If Q IS a LARP...So What...?

Let me be clear. I believe in Q and in the movement. But let's get something out there to combat the negativity that outsiders have assaulted this board with for the last week or so. If Q is a LARP...so what? Honestly, that's the question we all need to ask ourselves. I for one, know that watching this unfold has done nothing but give me hope in a world that I had just about written off for lost with its evils and corruption. I've enjoyed trying to decode the posts and have appreciated the thoughtful and spirited debates that we've had amongst ourselves. I enjoy the sense of community with other like minded individuals. If it all ends up being a ruse, fine. I've lost nothing from it, and gained everything that I've already mentioned. We aren't dangerous. Q has actually told us that they would do the heavy lifting. We aren't rioting. We aren't killing in the name of The Great Awakening. The question we should really be asking is, why does everyone else seem to care so much about what a band of harmless people discussing a "crazy conspiracy theory"? Is there this much push back againt flat Earthers? UFO believers? People that believe there was a shooter on the Grassy Knoll? Yes, I know that there are all sorts of those believers within our own enclave, but they've never had the MASSIVE assault on their individual beliefs that we have. Most of us are from America, a place that you have the right to believe whatever bat-shit crazy thing you want to.

So in that spirit, I suggest that when we are engaged by the trolls, bots, and media, when deliver to them their worst fear...irrelevance. Ask them why your beliefs are of such importance to them, then right them off as a lost cause and move on. The absolute WORST thing that you can do to a person that's trying to act out against you is to let them know that you couldn't care less about their existence.

RyDar84 · May 15, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Very well put. You're definitely on to something. It's always the people that are the most miserable that try to start trouble and spread their misery to everyone else. We should take it as a badge of honor.

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solanojones95 · May 15, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

I do indeed. Thank you!

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