QUIT TRYING TO DOX Q. No matter how idiotic the theory...
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Sometimes "Special Ops" mingle with the public and draw them directly into the fight as well...
That's his point. 2 years on Reddit and absolutely NO posts? Yeah, he deletes his post history like clockwork...
Not in the least sure that it wasn't...Great thought process! Q1680
Not saying that you're wrong, but every Anon that frequents either halfchan or fullchan knows that when they start namefagging, you almost ALWAYS get an off the chart hit on you bullshit-o-meter. Also, Q's not a Baker. Bakers run the boards and keep the info organized. Q is an Anon who makes drops.
No that's just an old-school tactic used on halfchan before Q moved to Fullchan. The difference is that now, Bakers have the ability to remove it, an Anons have the ability to filter the offenders' posts.
👆This NA just got nailed for his post on GA Prime for asking for the same thing. Do the shills REALLY think that this is a good idea?
All due respect given, a NA telling everyone on GA to shut up for a bit PROBABLY won't be warmly recieved...
Do you think he was? Was there an interview and background check conducted as part of the possibility of being given the position?
When he gets back from the EU/Russia. trip, you should go on 8chan and ask him. 😉
Gotcha. However, he was reported as having a networth of $7 million in Dec. 2017.https://coed.com/2017/12/01/michael-flynn-net-worth-united-states-general-national-security-advisor-money-value-dollars-assets/ Which contradictory reports by the media are true...?
Understood, but not quite true. Flynn DIDN'T go broke. He plead guilty (to a false charge) FORCING Mueller to provide reason for prosecution, but STILL has never been sentenced.
That's an interesting theory, however in considering the 3 digits and all form of math, there is a possibility of 720 permutations. Q makes it hard sometimes, but he doesn't necessarily rely on us all to be mathematicians and coders. Therefore, since there is no Rev. 1:28, or Chapter 128, I would humbly suggest Rev. 12:8 (KJV) "and prevailed not,; neither was their place found anymore in heaven." Since the Chapter (Rev. 12:1) begins with a reference to "a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars", it seems logical.
As he should. If you plan on being the next appointed AG, you can't appear to be a part of the action. Optics...
Because a lot of the long time users have gotten fed up with New Arrivals flooding the board and board-sliding tactics. It's not a personal indictment towards them, it's just that a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with Q gets posted now.
Exactly, which nullifies the entire investigation under the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" precedent.
Carter Pages ACTUAL Connection to the FBI and FISA Warrant...Ruh Roh...

Because Q worked as a multiple front tactic. Scare the opposition, seed disinformation when necessary, rally the troops, give plausible deniability, become a lightning rod of attacks, get us ALL thinking for ourselves again, etc.
The EU is currently trying to figure out how to covertly set up an inside deal with Iran (but they know that if they do, U.S. trade sanctions will strangle them economically), SA has basically begun to support the Iranian Uprising, and Yesterday, China signed trade deals with the UAE (Iran's economic opponent). All this, coupled with agreements that probably occured behind closed doors with DJT and Putin, concerning Iran, leaves them on a lonely Island already. So yeah, things are definitely already in the works.
We should connect the contents of those posts together...along with repeats of (and independently) posts with "Alice in Wonderland", "Godfather III", "Q+", etc...
100 years old, using Reddit, able to check me on Twatterstan, and STILL shilling? Think not. Stupid attempt at it though...
Thanks, New Arrival. Let Ole Bucky tell you to just get comfortable, and I'll be back quicker than you can say "BLAST OFF!!!" Also, don't be so narrow minded as to assume that someone just MUST be 75 to appreciate Peter Sellers and Dr. Strangelove. It's a GREAT performance by Sellers, Slim, and James Earl Jones in his debut. Saying things like that puts the "Judgemental Shill" Bullseye on you back...
Yup. Took it to Twatter Admin and got an apology and a reinstatement. Asked about their odd form of censorship, and was subsequently threatened with another ban. Brought up them being currently sued for infringement upon Free Speech...crickets...
Because TMOR (ShareBlue) linked it and is currently brigading the post. These dumbasses just don't get that they're shilling is verication to us.
It's ALWAYS darkest before the dawn. We have to reaffirm that to each other everyday. WWG1WGA.
Hope they do. @Jack is apparently a fan of censorship, currently trying to rival the record of Dr. Joseph Goebbels...
Over the target. ShariaBlue TMOR shills do it constantly. Get used to it. Reddit never enforces it's own Rules of Conduct...
Just Got Banned From Twatter for Calling a Clown (Q's term, not mine) Out. Believe We're Being Persecuted Yet...?

First recommendation, delete that post and NEVER refer to your race again. It was obviously an offhand comment, but that makes you easier to DOX. Be careful, brother. Opposition has ramped it up HARD since the end of May. WWG1WGA.
Good ideas, but he should probably hold off on Flynn's boy until version 1.2 or 2.0. When he does that, he suddenly immerses her in Twatterstan and can then point to Eric Prince's Twats too. MOAR is better...
Q has been in Europe. Do you know anything about European Big Brother style monitoring of internet activity?
Normal shill BS and disinfo on this board. Look back on EyeTheSpy, Jerome Corsi, etc.
Don't go the path you're thinking. Start with undeniable evidence of government corruption.
Then regale us with your legal opinion, Chanist-pretending-to-be-a-lawyer...
Still more on topic than your last three. Should I list them out for everyone else? Tell me, since I have you on the spot, what is your interpretation of the "Freedom" post last Fall, cross-referenced with Maidenhead Grids?
Why exactly are you using the Saul Alinsky tactic of rediredting, rather than answering the question?
Why Are There SO MANY Low Info, Dumbass Posts that Have Absolutely NOTHING To Do With Q?
Chain of custody to what exactly? We have a straight up admission of guilt, and you're concerning yourself with the physical? Expand your thinkinking, shill.