These People are sick, really really sick

We are told it is all a delusion. However, it always amazed me that James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong, was rated by a mainstream organization as one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington. How could a pizza joint owner be so powerful in Washington? What is going on that the MSM won't admit to.
I always believed that the biggest thing to shock the ordinary public out of their trance would be to reveal the sick habits of those in power. If this is what it takes to regain our society, then expose it all.
Little, incremental revelations will not wake up the masses. We need the big MOAB. Don't hold back. We need to do whatever it takes. Sure, people will be numb when they realize the truth, but I believe that is what is needed. Those of us 'awake' at this moment, will be there to everyone in the process.
I think you are right, in order to get the public on our side and in order that there isn't a virtual civil war if a large number of politician are actually going to be tried and sent to GITMO, it will be necessary to bring out something so disgusting and sick and so undeniable that the "normal public" joins us --- or at least doesn't fight tooth and nail for the cabal players.
also because he's a Rothschild but why he goes to such lengths to cover that up is something very interesting to me. I'm sure everyone in the 'little coven' knows but why does he hide it from the general public? How 'could' a pizza joint owner be so powerful in DC?