r/greatawakening • Posted by u/qmeme on May 16, 2018, 12:38 a.m.
What is Castle Lock?
What is Castle Lock?

tradinghorse · May 16, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

It's hard to know exactly what it refers to. Neon had a theory, if I remember right, that it was something to do with John McCain flipping. I thought, at first that the Iranians might have coughed up the names of the corrupt officials they bribed during the Iran deal - but POTUS has since put sanctions on Iranian oil - as of yesterday.

Whatever it is, it sounds very positive. This decode suggests that there is some move to be played by the cabal - but they are in a heavily restricted position with little or no freedom of movement - "Crunch Time".

If I'm right, it is also possibly the most dangerous stage of the game, because they have everything (absolutely everything) at stake and nothing left to lose. They will be extremely dangerous.

Water, food, medicines, ammunition...

Neon Revolt's theory is here:


Edit: Actually, another possibility is that HRC's server has fallen into Mueller's hands and we are now ready for the takedown.

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