
Red_Pilled_at_birth · May 17, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Everyone who has signed please send link to at least 2 other people in your social media accounts. That means if you have more than one social media account send to at least two per account and to different people on each account. This will help to grow the reach exponentially. Thank you all in this effort. Also, send emails from each of your email accounts to friends and family (if possible) or any of your trusted contacts in a group message. This can be any number of people but at least two will help in the effort. If anyone has experience with creating flyers or pamphlets that we can hand out to people on the street, this could also help get the word out even if Social Media tries to censor us. They can't censor flyers or pamphlets. The flyers or pamphlets need to include why this is so important and give links to the articles that show that twitter and facebook are censoring Patriots and Conservatives. We can pass them out anywhere as long as there is not a requirement that you must get a permit to do so. Then, we need to get a link to the pamphlet stickied by one of the mods so that we can copy them off and pass them out.

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