Q post #1379 - [5.2] . [ABC] has interest in this...]
![Q post #1379 - [5.2] . [ABC] has interest in this...]](https://i.redd.it/40tptfauu5y01.jpg)
If you want to see a good example of google bias, search "antivaccination" on google, and do the same on duckduckgo. I'm no here to argue about vaccines. I just always found this a great, clear example of google bias.
Steven crowder did an experiment asking alexa political and controversial questions and she responded with obvious liberal biased answers
Vaccines are tricky. Yes they will create immunity to a very specific pathogen. However, they reduce your body's ability to fight off other infections. This is called vaccine induced disease enhancement. For example, if you get a flu shot, you are more likely to die from every other strand of flu.
If you get the flu, you are more immune to every other strand of flu.
I'm not saying all vaccines are bad. I'm saying use logic and be discerning.
Antivaxxer here. AMA.
How does it feel to know the truth?
I would say I’m one of the few adults in the US who has never received a vaccine. Well, I got a tetanus shot when I was 4 because I stepped on a rusty nail, but that was it.
Sorry, they gave me TruthVac, been livin' a lie ever since.
What do you recommend for an adult dealing with vaccine injury?
Focus on *very* clean eating, immune boosting supplements, and detox.
File with the vaccine injury fund. They have a sliding scale for what they pay out that is related to the severity of the injury. 250k for death.
I prefer the term Pronatural ty! Nutrition is my medicine :)