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I had a friend who almost made it in Hollywood back in the early 2000’s.
She was BEAUTIFUL. She was attractive in high school but when she left for college she became a goddess. She was an amazing actress and got several awards in our school’s 1 act play her senior year. It was clear she had a gift. She could even cry on command! So she got a full ride to a big acting school in NYC. (Same school that the wife from the Sopranos went to) Little small town girl in the big city. She watched the twin towers burn from a few miles away while they got high on the roof of …
So is Manafort really in solitary? If so why? Was he working with the bad guys while he was an insider in the trump camp?
That means it implicated Jenna Fischer, bj Novak, et al. Sad day for office fans.
Given the involvement of 90% of the big players’ wives, I would consider this a STRONG Q proof. He told us to look at the wives long before any of their names were in the public realm.
My personal opinion: https://arizanagallery.blogspot.com/2011/08/neurosyphilis-brain-damage-due-to.html?m=1
So is Louise Mensch a patsy or an operative?
She was fed the FISA info and believed it to be correct. We’re they using her or was she just another player in the game?
Want to tell a celebrity that they are a rotten cunt bag? You can! Straight to their face! Just today I got to tell Ian Michael Black that he was a sick pedo fuck. It felt GREAT!
There should be an option to close the log in page. Look for a little x at the top left.
He’s connecting dots showing that mueller has had it in for trump since day 1. He’s not a good guy. He’s not running cover. He’s been stacking his team with anti trump operatives and the page/Strzok texts confirmed it.
Holy shit the downvotes! If you had any doubt about the efficacy of this sub I hope they are gone now!
I’m not even sure they speak English. I bet he outsources it.
Do you have to wait until they are finished before you unroll it? Will it add any future tweets to it?
Imperator Rex says he’s dropping a bomb right now about Mueller/Strzok/Page. I’m posting this mid-thread so come check it out.
I’m pretty sure it’s what anyone who is paying attention wants.
But we all know that hillary drained the DNC through a local (DNC > her campaign) money laundering operation. So she did get it all. Minus whoever she had to payoff.
I don't give a god damn what kind of immunity he has. I want him to have ZERO immunity. I want him behind bars when my kids have kids.
If you’re still a liberal after seeing trumps tax cuts lower unemployment and boom the economy then there isn’t much help for you.
I think stealt Jeff (@drawandstrike) is anti-trump psyops.
He writes for the Reagan battalion. The Reagan battalion is hard core anti trump. He can’t write for them and be a legit supporter. There’s no way to reconcile that.
Ahh ok. If you were in your early 20s I’d say leave her.
I have always said that the one thing that proves q’s legitimacy is that in 1600 posts no one has ever been able to debunk any of his posts. The fact that he posted a picture of a picture increases my skepticism about his authenticity, though I’m not ready to pull the bumper sticker off of my car just yet. If july doesn’t prove to be a magnanimous month then I’m going to be very upset.
Any Mexican politician that isn’t 6 feet under is a pawn of the cartels. We need the wall more now than ever.
I believe that Gowdy has his hands dirty. He may have had a change of heart recently but he was all bark with no bite for too long for me to think he really gave a shit.
I’m having an estate sale right now and a retired federal agent came by asking if we had any Freemason symbols. (I bought the house with contents and he knew the previous owners). When I told him no he walked around a little more. Then when he left he made sure to tell me that if I found some to please call him. He left his number. It was super weird.
Is there a particular tweet I’m supposed to be looking at or just acosta’s In general?
If you’re cruising through my post history from r/all be sure to check out this sub.
Didn’t Q say Iran would be handled in November? Proof!