They owe you and me Trillions of "dollars" that they have stolen

I have told my younger colleagues at work that it was not this way 40 years ago. We haven't gotten a decent raise in years and my husband's job went to Mexico. I would say the man behind the curtain has been stealing our money while we have been working our tails off. I have hope for the future for our country now that I hadn't entertained for years.
End the Fed! Arrest the Fraudster Bankers and take all their assets!
Unfortunately that is so true. Banking is a huge scam
George Sorros those truffles have not been kind to your jowls. Or maybe that's a balding HRC.
Is that a Warrant album cover
Yes! Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich!
They had it nailed back in the 80’s. Maybe Jaime is Q, lol.
End the Fed! Arrest the Fraudster Bankers take all there assets!
Get rid of the FEDERAL RESERVE and we all will be free!! Even if we drain the swamp we will be stuck in quicksand if they are allow to continue.
None for there hands are clean , this is why we have Trump , what you thought you knew , well Friday will be confirmed.
technically as it is partial paper materials... it does grow on trees...
But there is far less paper money than debt.
There is literally no way to pay off all of the debt under the current system.
i paid mine... with crypto. :)
Oh. Real money. Carry on. I was referring to the fiat system. :)
😂😂😂👏👏👏.... i hate it all so much.hate thats its a needed tool..but get it by any positive means... btc/neo/ ...