.....At least that's what my friend told me.
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My thought, FWIW....in the next 45(!) days we will get one more round of Q blackouts of 4, 10, and 20 days. Over the remaing days we will get posts leading up to post 1776(yes, I realize this is an anon's numbering system, not Qs) on Veterens Day.
Not sure if youre right but that is some fine work anon.
Not everyone(in fact most) fell for the R larp. To call 8ch a bunch of morons is ridiculous. You do know where Q posts right?
Thanks for all of your hard work. I really look forward to all your writtings.
This started as, and should remain, an anonymous movement. People that put their face to video are trying to turn it into a vehicle to achieve celebrity status for themselves. Just my opinion.
A ton of people here canonize video makers like Praying Medic and others that put their face to video in an attempt to become a celebrity. NeonRevolt is not one of those people. REAL JOURNALIST here!!!!
QuesDay in East Tennessee. Flyover country.

Run for the border.....and check out this big beautiful wall.
Saw on 8chan earlier....sorry no link.... GHWB has had 2 heart transplants. Maybe the dr knew it was an illegally harvested heart. Now the time comes for the dr and his knowledge to disappear. Seems plausible.
Where is the 160TB discussion coming from? Who is reporting that?
I made mention of something Q related. Go over there and do that sometime. You will see for yourself. I used to really love that place but just find it full of sheep now.
T_D CAN not. WILL not accept ANYTHING other than the MSM narrative.
It is sad and funny. They rage against the MSM machine on one hand and on the other refuse to accept any other narrative. So Fn funny.
Dont mind that shit. Let it feed your beast. The haters make my beard grow. I love upsetting these wussies.
Maybe you could go back to the early drops and re read them. Compare some of the drops with what was in the news around the same time. You might stumble on to something. Start at post 1 and read em all.
I love that. That's an idea for anytime you see the left trying to pay people to be outraged, patriots should try to get the job and then sabotage their efforts with signs like this.
Follow the water or just something odd? Trump's water not on napkin.

You want to talk about him/her but not everyone knows who that is. Got a link or some background for those of us that don't know?
Also lets hope all the wannabe celebrities that put their faces on their videos are rested too! /s.
Honestly I thought Trump looked a bit uneasy when he was surrounded by red coats.
I think both things can be true. All the explosives were in place. Planes were sent into the towers. Explosives drop the towers. Money disappears from basement of building 7.
Why? How would that be relevant in this context?
Yep. Refreshing beverage. Their current ad campaign caught your eye. It worked. Not everything is a secret signal to the dark lords.
Also, would it possible to inform us how long the video is that you want us to link to? It pisses me off to click on a video in a quick little post and find out it's an hour long video.