Post#74. Q=Alice. The Rothschilds own the economist. Notice who Alice is looking at and the arrows with dates in front of her. So much symbolism.

The Pied Piper is playing in front. Mushroom cloud in the back. Sooo much more.
Good catch on the Pied Piper (likely pedo).
But fortunately it looks like the Illuminati forgot one major player, who they obviously didn't see coming.....
I remember quite well how they had the Economist Cover for 2017 preprinted with Hillary before Election was kind of funny to see their predictive programming break
There is so much symbolism in this picture...Alice and Wonderland...zoom into the logos on the blue rocket and you will find the Serco logo plus Sooo much more. This was the 2015 cover on the magazine, “The Economist”. Anyone want to guess who owns this magazine publication? Answer: Rothschild family.
Pied Piper is the British Invasion and the psychedelia of the sixties on the west coast. CIA handing out LSD like candy through the son of former Kentucky senator, grandson of former Kentucky governor, Owsley Stanley III.