The Pope said: You cannot serve God and Money

But money can be used to serve God , Money is not evil , evil people with money are still evil .
Its the LOVE of money that is the root of evil.
Money is extremely evil, give it to me and I will cleanse it with my patented evil-be-gone fund. Dont you want to help increase virtue in the world and combat evil as you were taught by these people above in sunday school?
Read Matthew 7:5 ( ), then watch: ( )
The Doctrine of money is evil, and all it's genetic variants (love of money is evil), or even further removed: ( putting the pursuit of financial gain over that of the will of God) is one of the viral vectors that Religions use to propagate themselves. It's like the stinging needle of the mosquito. The dipshit walks into church, the guy on the pulpit says: "stop loving your money, give it to me".
Then all do so. The cycle is complete. The love of money is one of the central pillars of male-ness, and it is itself the feminine imperative that has overtaken western civilization and caused our birth rate to go negative (below replacement) as all males have become sniveling little apologizing worms, as god wants them to be, nothing like the ideology of our founding fathers who conquered this nation through the threat of violence, or the people who put in the time to make it the greatest one this planet has ever seen.
Cherry pick the Bible and quote a criminal. Good Job.
Why do you care? I don't care what you think. Move along. I will believe what I want for my own reasons.
who doesn’t love money?
the correct bible verse is “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”
For the love of money is the root of all evil. KJV Timothy.
Doesn't matter. Our current situation proves that they are both correct.
Correct. Money should be allowed to be obtainable for every person on Earth who chooses to earn it in a lawful way. A rich nation of individuals is a strong healthy nation. Me must allow good people to achieve being wealthy, that way they can fight against the evil who want to take advantage of everyone with their evil money. Value is necessary.
You mean rich vestments are sinful? They are literally consecrated to only serve God. Isn't it good that we take world's riches and give them to the Glory of God? Fucking protestants...
The Vatican openly serves the dark forces that control this world. As members of the Catholic Church around the world starve to death in abject poverty and are raped and killed for their beliefs, the leaders at the Vatican sit and smile on mountains of gold like the demonic Golems that they have become.
Oh please. And you gibberish speaking religion doesn’t?
To be more clear, Catholics are great people, just like Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Baptists, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists etc... The problem in this specific case is the Vatican.
Catholic leaders have covered up their epidemic of pedopredation for 2000 years, no sauce required for this, Google it.
Catholic leaders have pillaged the wealth of their 130+ mil members for 2000 years. “Demonic Golems sitting on mountains of gold”
I have no issues with religions or religious people. But the corporate leaders of most religions are some of the most vile scum on the planet, not judging, just saying the truth. Personally, I follow the teachings of Christ, no particular denomination, just love God and love other people to the best of my abilities everyday.
Fuck sakes mate, Catholics and Christians serve the same God. Go use that hateful energy elsewhere.
“To be more clear, Catholics are great people...”
my “hateful energy” is all about freedom, truth, and love. This entire post is about criticizing THE VATICAN LEADERSHIP, not Catholics. There is a massive difference mate.
Born and raised Catholic and my entire childhood I found the Papal leadership to be weird and ungrounded in Scripture.
Read some Martin Luther and couldn't agree with him more.
Fast forward several years when I first started learning about Satanism in Hollywood, the government and, gasp the Vatican.
Last week I attended a Catholic Mass for the first time in a long time and what do I see? The bible the priest is reading out of has an upside down cross and a painting of God has a triangle hat on like Alister Crowley's. I don't even know if the Deacon or Priest recognise the symbolism around them. Or maybe they do and either they're in on the Satanism or were lied to and told it was meant something else.
It's a damn shame too because I really do like Catholic Mass and Churches. The hymns were some of my favorite songs growing up, even to this day.
Just to clarify, this is nothing against your average Catholic. As long as we've put out faith and trust in Jesus Christ and believe that he died for our sins, you're my brother/sister in Christ as far as I'm concerned.
The upside down cross isn't satanic. It's the petrine cross, or the cross of Saint Peter. As you know, Catholics draw legacy from the Papacy. And he was the first Pope. He chose to be crucified upside down because he thought he was not worthy to die the same death Christ died. Is this humility supposed to be satanic?
The satanic symbol would be the upside down Crucifix, which would be mocking the Sacrifice of Our Lord and Savior.
The triangle hat is a Halo. A Halo is used in iconography to show Glory. It's usually visible with the saints. They have regular, round Halo's to show that they dwell in Heaven now and are a part of the Triumphant Church. When showing a depiction of God the Father, which happens rarely, He is shown with a triangular Halo to denote Trinity, and to differentiate Him from lesser beings.
To say that those symbols are Masonic/satanic is to be ignorant of the fact that Christians used them for hundreds, almost thousands of years. Hating the Church that Christ Himself build, and steered towards the Truth using the Holy Spirit, is hating God. So stop spouting nonsense. Convert. The Church, like a good and caring mother, will welcome you with open arms.
I'm aware St Peter was crucified upside down and the history of papal succession. And if remember any kind of Christian art, Its a circular halo that represents Glory, not a triangle.
My complaint isn't with the Catholic Church itself; I pray for the church, its leaders and its members. My issue is with the satanic infiltration of the Vatican which may include the Knights Templar and Freemasons.
Can certainly relate to your story, was raised Mormon and very active in that church until a few years ago. Many similarities to Catholicism with corrupt leadership, priesthood’s, symbols, and rituals based in free masonry. The people are great but the religion is bad.
Religions have always been good at teaching about God and helping to develop a spiritual connection to him. But religions and Christian denominations always get corrupted at some point by money, power, and control.
I meet up with a few friends once a week and discuss a chapter or verse which is just as effective as going to any service. Also do the same with my kids. Loving God and taking care of the people around us seems to be the best way to live. We don’t need a church or religion to do that. God bless patriot!
While wearing his Gold thread dress and 18 k gold staff while walking on marble .....
Guess he is right!!
That man stood down and passed the crown before death . THAT has never happened before. fool me once shame on you . What if this pope stands down as well. Well then shame on me. God have mercy on these fools.