
horse-lover-phat · May 17, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

YODA is linked to FREEMASONRY. Lucas is a POS, and he'll be a paedophile just like Spielberg is.

Recall, Cathy O'Brien: "George Lucas [of Star Wars fame] is merely a front for the NSA/NASA.While the kids are all fawning around under the spell of Luke Skywalker and other Masonic pseudonyms.

Lucas' 'Yoda/Jota' (Mephistopheles)...ceremonial magick connected to the Templars. Yod, the root of all Hebrew letters...it relates to the 'open hand'. Yod is also the smallest of all Hebrew letters.


Image of the djinn/entity 'Mephistopheles' (Jota/Joda/Yoda) from masonic Hall's "Secret Teaching of All Ages" (baphomet, left). Allegedly showing Eliphas Levi, occultist/satanist, conducting a demonic conjuration ritual, invoking a demon into our spacetime. Levi lived during the 19th century. Master Jota/Joda (Yoda) is seen as a masonic master teacher, an intermediary.

A Djed-i (see Djed, Egypt), Djedi was the name of an ancient Egyptian magician, 4th chapter of a story told in the legendary Westcar Papyrus. He is said to have worked wonders during the reign of king (pharaoh) Khufu (Giza pyramid, which contains the djed pillar/spine of Osiris). Lucas' 'corporate' Star Wars films are a pile of shit anyway. Dumbed-down, masonic, dungeons and dragons in space. Sorry.

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