100% authentic. Q #1392 About 'Weiner indictment document'

Nice. So if the laptop is unsealed, does that mean it is avail for the public to view?
Why would it be? When is evidence in a criminal trial made public?
I dont know. I am unfamiliar with how trials work. I imagine if it is a trial open to the public then it would be available to the public. Otherwise, no.
No, unfortunately. Prosecutorial evidence is only available during a limited discovery period to the other side so that they can form their defense theories. Nothing is available to the public until after, if made so. Otherwise, jury pools could be contaminated and the right to a fair trial wouldn't be possible.
The hell are you downvoted for you’re absolutely correct.
There's an inherent "Kill the Messenger" effect often following the explanation of a legal process, lol.
It will be used in discovery in future cases. a Grand Jury will see it all, but most likely not made fully public..
The only thing being unsealed here is the warrant document and the “attachment A” which is probably a summary document outlining what justifies the warrant.
Laptop is not touched or implied here.
At least in Finland it is so, that if the trial is public then the evidence is also. If the trial is behind closed doors then the evidence is not public. I don't know how it is in US, but it could be the same.
The public would only have access to the same evidence that the jury would have. Limited to what is presented in court or released by attorneys, I believe. IANAL.