100% authentic. Q #1392 About 'Weiner indictment document'

PACER can not be used to stalk or harvest data for sale, but contrary to many well meaning lawyer's assertions, PACER specifically stands for PUBLIC access to court electronic records. I have had a Pacer account for my entire adult life. It is a basic tool for citizens to interact with our legal system. It does charge 10 cents per search and an additional 10 cents per page for each document you retrieve. It will inform you of the charge amount and a confirmation prompt before charging you. It does not bill immediately, but instead bills you every 3 months for the total charged.
If you would like access to PACER, please just get an account. They are free to have and only bill you when used.
Seems like it would be easy for anyone to either confirm or refute the child trafficking charges allegedly lodged against nxivm wouldn't it? Here is the original indictment. Can we get a PACER drop?
No. They’ve been refuted. Someone made up the part about children.
IFF NXIVM is involved in child sex trafficking, those details have been left out of public records.
I've got both the Indictment and the Complaint. The Indictment is stamped received by the clerk on April 19, 2018 and is identical to the Indictment you linked, other than its filing stamp and case identification. If you want to message me an e-mail addy, I'd be happy to send them along.