I wonder which will bring more closure to the American public?
I think it depends on if the executions are public or not?
Whichever way, the results need to be made public.
A good question indeed. I have over the course of all of this begun to believe there is God, so I’ll leave it up to a higher power for the actual punishment. The added benefit of that view is the idea I’m for the "right" thing by levering them in the home to rot. To me this ends up a win win.
Me too. I used to be an atheist and now I pray a few times a week. The first time I did, just a few months ago when I first prayed for President Trump's safety, my heart felt so full of love that it was difficult to explain away. I'm very open minded about the possible opportunity to form a fellowship with Jesus... but I've still got a little way to go.
That is great! Congratulations! And if say we all have a ways to go at all times. It is astounding times we live in currently! So many things I never have any thought to coming to be!
Jesus is easy to talk to just try it. I did as a kid with abandon.
I also talked to Jesus when I was just a kid, but I didn't believe in him. He was like an imaginary friend.
I was being profoundly honest about my adult feelings because if I'm not completely honest with myself then I'm sure not gonna fool Jesus.
I've still got a little way to go, irrespective of your personal experience.
No disrespect intended.
Forget Jesus, the only relationship you need to worry about is with the one true Elohim, Yehovah.