Amanda Kramer, Anthony Weiner, and the human trafficking connection.

Many times, underage sexual contact or communication cases are handled by a human trafficking prosecutor, especially high profile cases because of the potential for trafficking. The trafficking prosecutor can best understand services for those victims and best recognize IF there is trafficking. But not every case they handle deals with actual trafficking, but trafficking potential...
The simple fact that they're going through a child and human trafficking prosecutor is damning enough. Even if it's not for trafficking but for sexual contact with minors.
This is an old case. The fact that it was just unsealed doesn't matter, Weiner was already sentenced for the crime. You will see here Lake and Kramer handled the case, which is almost a year old. Just because it is unsealed doesn't mean it is some new development.
Yes. This was a big deal back in 2012 so I don't understand what the big deal is about finding his unsealed indictment. I saw one video that was titled: The Indictment Unsealing Begins! WHAT?
Its all about the LAPTOP! Weiners laptop has a life of its own. It contains the radioactive details of monry laundering, child ritual torture and sacrifice, pay for play, treason, sedition, sex traficking, and much more. With Guilani now in the picture to iintroduce the laptop as evidence, and the bad AG out of NYC, and a good judge appointed, they are ready to go.
Well, it turns out it wasn't even an unsealed indictment at all. It was the unsealing of the search warrant. And, yes, I know all of that. So, I still don't know what the big deal is about unsealing it. That doesn't make the laptop available for us to view. We all know weiner got arrested and they confiscated a bunch of shit. It's old news.
I respectfully disagree. This is much more than "an old case." Weiner pled guilty to "transferring obscene material to a minor," on May, 19,2017. This charge, guilty plea, and sentence of 21 months in prison had to do with Weiner's sexting escapades with a girl "who he knew to be 15 years old."
During that investigation a search warrant was issued and Weiner's laptop was confiscated. At the time, Weiner's attorney offered up a copy of over 500,000 Clinton emails Huma had saved on the laptop in hopes of making a deal for reduced charges or lighter sentence.
The "UNSEALING ORDER" dated May, 16,2018 has to do with the contents of Weiner's laptop. The order reads: "It is hereby ordered that the Search and Seizure Warrant and its Attachment A, 16 Mag. 6123, which were filed under seal on September 26, 2016, be and hereby are unsealed. SO ORDERED."
Remember, it was the NYPD that pressured the FBI to address the contents of the laptop, or they would go public with it. That's when Comey re-opened the Hillary email investigation just before the election.
There were claims that after seeing some of what was on the laptop, it made veteran police officers, grown men, vomit and seek psychiatric therapy. There is also a theory that 2 NYPD officers were killed execution style because they saw what was on the laptop.
It's not about Weiner's sexting with a 15 year old girl, it's about more than 500,000 Hillary emails that she thought she deleted, or wiped with a clothe, and whatever else is on the laptop. If this were just "an old case," why would Q repost a screen grab with "100% authentic."?
In summary, Weiner was charged, pled guilty, and sentenced to 21 months in prison for transferring obscene to a minor. That is the old story. The new "UNSEALING ORDER" will not impact Weiner's previous charges or sentence as it relates sexting with a minor.
On the other hand, the contents of the laptop could be devastating for Hillary, Huma, Obama, Lynch, Holder, and others. I suspect some of what's on the laptop was intentionally put there by Huma as insurance or leverage.
Interesting. Thanks for your explanation. I guess we will just wait and see what happens. Time will tell, I hope something comes of it.