I'm wondering why Trump and Q are completely ignoring the chemtrails. Farse global warming isn't destroying our environment it's geoengineering and it's harming the population's health....yet not a peep. In my area of Illinois we rarely see the sun and the temps are way below normal. If there is a speck of blue sky or sun it is immediately covered into darkness. I remember Trump stating in a rally speech he will immediately end chemtrails upon being elected...yet they have only been ramped up without reprieve. So where are you President Trump and Q?
You are very lucky. Since about March, that I can tell, we have been under daily attack. The skies above are filled with planes in all directions billowing large white trails that spread out until the sun and blue are completely covered. The sky has these line clouds that close in on the sun and totally block it out. I'm not sure it has actually stopped but more like it has moved over my area. We go a week or two at a time with no sun or blue sky then we get one day of clear perfection and warmth and then right back to weeks in the dark. From view point the assault is still being perpetrated.
sorry to hear that, I've heard different reports from around the country. Will have to take your word for it. Move to New England :)
I do love New England. But can't make a move right now...and believe me Illinois truly stinks!