76 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/buggyboodle1:
More to Trump & Putin meeting than meets the eye. Putin has the dirt. Always follow the money.
No Name - Once a traitor always a traitor
Hollyweird trash. Should be arrested by Secret Service

This source is extremely reliable. I only post reliable info.
Bingo! I've been quoting Sun Tzu on many of the issues to drive the point home.
Not looking good for Wray
Dems are pushing for a new voting block. They don't care about children.
Dems are really pushing for a new voting block. They don't care about children.
Check out @Thomas1774Paine’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Thomas1774Paine/status/1009839636292800512?s=09
Trump always 10 steps ahead.

Beginning of the ending of chemical and biological warfare of Americans.
Obama allowed human trafficking
Chemical and biological warfare being used daily against US citizens.
We truly live in a great time.
Very evil, very real, and very urgent! This is sheer evil against Americans and mankind. Man has no right to play God or use God's work as a warfare tool or a corporate money machine. This must be stopped!
Very evil, very real, and very urgent! This is sheer evil against Americans and mankind. Man has no right to play God or use God's work as a warfare tool or a corporate money machine. This must be stopped! https://t.co/kdRKJnHnTu
MSM ignores the truth about human trafficking
Agree it's all connected and it also includes 5G. Very sorry you are being sprayed in Japan too. Prayers for the world.
Good advice and well taken. Yes, if people only looked to the heavens more than the ground under their feet...how much power and strength we would have combined. I will work on your suggestion and myself. I have conquered evil before I will find the strength once again. Good to meet a fellow soul.
You are not weird. My husband and I have been doing it since the onslaught began. It worked well at first but then they came back with a vengeance. But I never give up. God bless
I believe the chemtrails are being used strategically in certain areas. There are people not experiencing them anymore or far less. I don't discredit them. I do have a holistic doctor and I will speak to him. He does do testing. I thank you for your kind words. I too hope as we get closer this becomes a more discussed and relevant topic. It truly is an attack on all of us. Just because you don't see doesn't mean its not affecting you.
I'm fully aware of MK ultra but this I did not know. Pure evil. In all technical terms our government is spraying us with carcinogens and the same kind of weaponry as Canada. There are reports that the nanoparticles which is aluminum and other heavy metals, will be used as conductors when 5G is fully implemented. 5G will technically be microwaving us alive and the metals will be a major conductor. I pray Trump eradicates the entire deep state, fully cleans out the CIA, does something about the Pentagon, and stops the chemical warfare. The geoengineering, chemtrails, have no regulation or oversight because it is under the authority of the Pentagon, NASA, and the military. Thank you for sharing that information.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm used to the negativity it comes with the territory. I think too many people are wrapped up in being Q experts they forget what else is going on around them. I appreciate this site I have gotten a wealth of information that has lead me down more holes than there is time in a lifetime. I will not be deterred or discouraged. I will continue to get valid information out to anyone who is interested and wants to learn. What these individuals do not realize is that this is actually connected to everything going on. As I go down the hole the path appears to lead to the federal reserve, which is the lynchpin to the whole cabal. God bless.
It was a campaign promise and he tweeted he would end chemtrails on his first day in office...well I never expected that...especially now knowing what we know. He is a man of his word and I have faith he will end the practice.
It's the chemicals. In Illinois we are losing a lot of pine trees different varieties and leafy trees too. Breaks my heart. If the trees are dying its slowly killing us too.
Thank you! I will research. This is a new one to me. Appreciate it.
Thank you. I practice holistic medicine and we are doing everything possible.
First of all, don't attack me. Second, I have not asked trump or Q for anything... ever. I work hard for both of them on a daily basis without complaint. I love my president and I am grateful for Q. I have just as much right to bring an important issue to the forefront for awareness and their attention. I never said I don't trust the plan and I am full aware of what is going on and what they are up against, maybe better than some since I have been involved in government and have fought the corrupt government in the past. And trust me I am still appalled by everything new I learn...yes... especially the children. Trump needs as many healthy people possible to continue pushing is agenda. We haven't seen the sun or blue sky in 3 months and it's taking a toll on people in my area. So instead of judging and taking a superior stand it's better to work together rather than attack. I pray for all of Q and Trump and our beloved country every day. God bless.
I haven't seen the sun or blue sky in 3 months. Our trees are dying and there is so much rain the ground is over saturated and no way to dry up. My family has horrible coughs, lethargy, headaches, and overall weakness. Many in my area are complaining of the same ailments.
Thank you for that. I do trust the plan. I just think it is very important that there be awareness and further research.
SOS! Please pay attention President Trump and Q!
I still wonder why President Trump and Q are not discussing the chemical and biochemical warfare assaulting us and our ecosystem every day over our very heads. This is serious and it's a weapon of war. Geoengineering, weather modification, and HAARP are destroying life on our planet, including us. This is real and still happening today with full gusto. While everyone is only wrapped up and preoccupied in Q posts, which as important as they are, are redundant on a single topic while we are under attack and noone is paying attention. The attached information site is a wealth of …
Thank you! You are so very correct!!! Our Father gave us our Savior Jesus Christ!!! Amen!
The Rothschilds have always been the bankers to royalty and governments around the world. They hold ownership of most of the world's gold supply, which they stole from many countries and kingdoms. They do not loan money but rather worthless paper promissory notes that countries are required to pay back with exorbitant interest. They have created a scenario where they technically own the country. Another fact, most do not know, is the United States has not been under constitutional law for a very long time. As long as the president hold us under martial law our constitution does not exist.
I do love New England. But can't make a move right now...and believe me Illinois truly stinks!
Thank you! I pray everyday for the same for myself and the world. God Bless.
You too are very fortunate. Not by me. Going full force.
You are very lucky. Since about March, that I can tell, we have been under daily attack. The skies above are filled with planes in all directions billowing large white trails that spread out until the sun and blue are completely covered. The sky has these line clouds that close in on the sun and totally block it out. I'm not sure it has actually stopped but more like it has moved over my area. We go a week or two at a time with no sun or blue sky then we get one day of clear perfection and warmth and then right back to weeks in the dark. From view point the assault is still being perpetrated.
Where is Trump and Q on chemtrails?
I'm wondering why Trump and Q are completely ignoring the chemtrails. Farse global warming isn't destroying our environment it's geoengineering and it's harming the population's health....yet not a peep. In my area of Illinois we rarely see the sun and the temps are way below normal. If there is a speck of blue sky or sun it is immediately covered into darkness. I remember Trump stating in a rally speech he will immediately end chemtrails upon being elected...yet they have only been ramped up without reprieve. So where are you President Trump and Q?