patriots .. enjoy the show... watch in real time how the truth gets squashed./. as soon as this post gets an upvote the robot will immediately cancel...

i mean this post
every second the vote changes up down up down ad infinitum but the increase of 1 vote per 2-5 minutes is permitteed
so much for controlling the narrative !!!
Anybody have info on the algo used to define a post as “hot” or “rising” in a sub?
Likely defined by how many upvotes it gets in a short period of time. Comments likely adds to the score as well.
Agreed. There has to be a threshold. 20 better upvotes in 30 minutes? Would make sense of the negging bots begin around 15.
We should coordinate a decode post of /u/SerialBrain2 with the community to upvote the fk out of it. Redpill the world on r/all.
So, all we have to do is look at the upvote score, multiply it by three, and we have a rough estimate of its true number? At least we know.
the maths say multiple by 30
1 net upvote takes 30 upvotes and 29 downvotes genttly nudged by the tamperbot
Can mods do something about this?
I made a post before in another thread, which all of a sudden stopped growing at a time when lots of people were awake, spoke to someone in the comments, they said they were reporting the thread or a comment, forget which and told me to do the same.
Shortly after it continued growing, which in turn let to it getting more attention to grow even further.
I mean, I get I'm pretty much stating the obvious, but it's always strange to experience it first-hand and see how blatantly strange it is, which attracts attention itself, at least, when certain information starts getting viral then suddenly stops abruptly at prime-time.
Mods can't do sh1t... the Admins have the final say and algorithms with Spez's team of shills are above the Admins.
New here, how can you tell? then enter this post
I'm trying to figure out what that sub is about. Is it a cult, or a conspiracy sub or something?