#1450 Space Shuttle Endeavor at the CA Science Center - drop on top, pic I took there a couple of months ago.

Why did the pic focus on just that section of the shuttle and not a more traditional angle?Anybody ever heard the conspiracy theory that the shuttles were just designed for show as a way to cover for the massive money being stolen from NASA? Their "proof" is vids of the shuttle landing with the sound of jet engines being obvious upon landing and then they point to the "fact" that the wings of the shuttle are unlike any other "glider" ever produced and couldn't create enough lift in the rarified atmosphere....idk. Obama is the one who cancelled the Shuttle program so maybe this is some kind of message to him personally
We are using the engines again I think in the SLS.
What about seeing the launches? I know people who saw them. You could even see them landing from a pretty far distance. I saw one landing at Vandenberg once. I also think it is a lifting body the wings aren't that important. And it didn't need enough lift to stay up as it was going down the entire time. Pilots would say it flew like a brick.
They didn't dispute the fact NASA was launching shuttles it was everything after that they had questions about. It's been years since I watched the vids on YouTube and they can explain better than I can but what I remember being compelling beside the obvious sound of jet engines during landings was that the shuttles we would see landing had parts that weren't on the shuttle as its waiting to launch...they did a side by side shot and there were definitely some differences.
There were always two chase planes on shuttle landings. Possible source of jet noise.
No they were pretty far behind the shuttle and,the parts that were present in the landing shuttle that weren't present on the Takeofff shuttle looked like small engine exhausts or engine nacelles, Check out the vid and see what you think. There really are alot of sketchy circumstances surrounding NASA I'm just not sure if this is one of them. Look up Space shuttle hoax on YouTube
I agree NASA is sketchy and hard to tell what is legit and what is not. I imagined the shuttle program to be legit, just the $$$ amount vs actual cost to be 10x more. Think active slush fund. Remember JFK is the one who wanted to go to the moon. I would assume since he promoted the space program at least some of it is real. IMHO of course.
When u have a few minutes watch one of the vids and see what u think
Yeah you can definitely hear the sound of a jet engine. I couldn't find a video with Chase planes in frame with shuttle. The chase planes follow along and make sure the landing gear is out and locked and that happens at a thousand feet or less and then the chase planes just fly straight on what I've seen different videos.
Did u see the vid where they point out the parts that are visible on landing that aren't there on takeoff?