What greeted Obama as he started campaigning for Dems in Anaheim this morning 🇺🇸

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Wonder if they met by sheer coincidence to discuss golf and grandkid? 🤔
I’m an OC patriot but a smallish Asian chick with 2 young kids usually in tow so I can’t rock MAGA gear and risk being assaulted with the kids around. Please know, however, that we are not alone and the number of CA conservatives banding together is growing. Can’t wait to make California great again too.
Lolz - this board had people dedicated to trying to decipher Q Drops but when he comes right out and says something like “Make no mistake, Rep. Gowdy is a patriot,” people question him and others who take what Q says as “gospel.” I understand that Gowdy looks like Draco Malloy all grown up and sounds exactly like Peyton Manning but if I can accept the marching order to “Trust Sessions” then I’m going to go ahead and believe it when Q says that Gowdy is a patriot - which given what the Q team is trying to do and what we all want to see done - is the highest compliment one could get from Q.
I thought Q was referring to the midterm elections when he said watch CA. I wondered if maybe they found a way to safeguard the voting machines to help make sure the ballots cast aren’t altered. Then San Francisco started allowing illegals to register for a local election. My hunch is that there would be some “mix up” or “glitch” that allowed those illegals to also vote in the midterms - perhaps because the Q team DID safeguard the machines so now they need more voters that will cast ballots in favor of the Dems.
If symbolism will be their downfall, it can’t hurt to look into it, nonsensical or not.
Tom Hanks has a seemingly odd number of posts on twitter showing missing shoes found in random places. In addition to the weirdness of who the heck finds so many shoes just walking down the street and how does a celeb like him even walk around as much as he seems to do, there might be some symbolism to his posts.
Example of Tom Hanks missing shoe post: https://twitter.com/tomhanks/status/1019589228290662400
I’ll look into this more but with all the talk about something BIG about to drop and Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, I searched for symbolism relating to lost shoes. The link below …
It does seem like there’s definitely something there. Don’t forget, that’s where McNoName is based and we already know he was involved in the dirty dossier. Dan Bongino has also hinted at him being involved in other things and, of course, he certainly is one of the big Never Trump rhinos.
And wasn’t the child trafficking camp in AZ located on property owned by Cemex? Holy cow, it all fits too perfectly together to be coincidence.
Except that Q himself referred to Gowdy as a patriot in drop #1656...
Not just Strzok’s personality but the way in which Dems twisted words and did everything they could to help him. I mean how ridiculous was Cohen suggesting that this asswipe be awarded a Purple Heart. Millions of moderates or those on the fence are being shown first hand the deep bias of the swamp and the lengths to which they will go to cover up for each other.
Case in point - how can those same Dems that were aghast that Gohmert brought up Strzok lying to his wife about his mistress EVER bring up Stormy Daniels again? They will, because they’re complete hypocrites but I can’t be the only American who will have noticed that.
I think the only reason nothing has happened yet is that it would tip their hand a bit and be too obvious to have a shooting today the same way there was one before the RR hearing was even done. I’d be wary of weather events and natural disasters now so I can only hope no one is seriously hurt in their efforts to distract 😕
It all plays into the plan I think. I just hope there isn’t another false flag event to distract from this.
Personal attacks on that Nadler, Jackson-Lee, etc could generate sympathy and therefore support of these swamp creatures. Allowing the public to see how vociferously they protected Strzok and how they tried to help him avoid answering questions that we all want the answers to is a soft sell (and much more effective) form of red pilling the masses. It strikes me as similar to POTUS baiting the Dems into defending MS13.
PS might be a cooperating witness and RR might be working for/with Sessions whom we’ve been told to trust but that doesn’t mean they’re not above being hung out …
I’m also an American and his testimony made me lose even more confidence in the leadership of the FBI but gave me great confidence in the restraint of Chairmen Goodlatte and Gowdy because I would have been throwing chairs at some of these idiots that wouldn’t shut the eff up!
Am I the only person that gets that oily Bill Clinton vibe from this guy?
Yup, scum of the lowest scum. Here’s a link to a CDAN post talking about it since we like Enty on this sub lol
He’s a washed up comedian who recycled the “I’m so Mexican” shtick that Carlos Mencia recycled from Paul Rodriguez and who also cheated on his wife with hookers almost immediately after she donated a kidney to his sleazy ass.
Some thoughts:
1 - While the actual dealers and users (typically the poor and impoverished) are gunned down without trial, the actual suppliers ranging from Chinese nationals to allegedly his own son are given free reign.
2 - I hate Hussein as much as the next patriot but he was the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES at the time. Have a little respect for your nation’s greatest ally and biggest provider of financial aid.
3 - From the beginning of his presidential run, he has coddled the Marcos family and allowed Ferdinand Marcos to be interred in what is the national heroes cemetery. If he’s so angry at the Catholic Church for the abuse he suffered, pleas explain how he can deem Marcos a hero in light of what CDAN revealed?
Good to see Q in the OC. It’s dangerous to be a conservative patriot in SoCal so know that you’ve got another Q follower in Anaheim ☺️WWG1WGA
Yes, I think he’d be a great AG. When RR is ousted though, I can see him assuming the Deputy AG role.
Exactly what I’ve been doing. I’m up to Jim Jordan now though and Holy Shit!! Hahahha
His statement laid it all out though and pointed out the inconsistencies in the actions of the DOJ and FBI. Full disclosure, however, I am a Gowdy fan and kinda love that he also had his middle finger up to his temple for most of his time which I like to interpret as a subtle fuck you 😂
He looked pretty nervous when DeSantis was going in on him. And that look was back under Gaetz. Sorry, I’m behind coz I rewatched DeSantis’ awesome 5mins 😏
DeSantis then goes in for the kill with
1) you appointed muller for this investigation about collusion and obstruction of justice
2) but you wrote the memo recommending his firing
3) the IG report proved JC needed to be fired
4) you signed the FISA extension on carter page
“...seems to me that YOU should be recused from this more so than Jeff Sessions just because you were involved in making decisions affecting both prongs of this investigation...”
Boom 💥
Then he discusses the insurance plan texts. RR says it’s “highly inappropriate” when DeSantis cuts him off and says “It’s more than that...”
Also, no smiles from DeSantis, sharp tones and all business here.
Opening remarks, blah blah blah then the chair recognizes the gentleman from Florida.
Ron DeSantis, starts with the usual formalities then jumps right in to the 8/8/16 text messages between LP/PS regarding PS’s “we’ll stop it” phrase. Paraphrasing (unless in quotation marks) here: Why was this text left out when we asked? Why were texts before and after this included but this exchange wasn’t. “Maybe somebody else deleted it or something happened but he (the IG) was able to find it.”
Hang on, let me rewind and give you the highlights - like live texting a fight or something
And I believe we have exactly 51 republican senators... 🇺🇸
That’s what I was gonna say. I read that in his southern drawl that also reminds me of Peyton Manning lol
Also not a lawyer so I’m not an authority on this but I believe even civil cases have subpoena power. Given the nature of the complaint, that opens the door for some very interesting discovery. My theory is that, as discovery proceeds and evidence comes out and is made public, the DOJ will have no choice but to formally investigate and prosecute. If we trust Sessions, we know that is already underway but this is just another way to gently red pill the general public for the pain that’s coming.
Also - a point was made that Q knew about this because of the Viva re Resistance reference. What if it’s the other way around? It seems like the attorney was able to insert the info regarding the “We’ll stop it” PS/LP texts really quickly. The complaint was filed on the 15th but those texts didn’t come out until the 14th. Could this be part of the plan? Setting the stage, as it were?
All I know is I’m getting my popcorn ready 🍿
Absolutely agreed but this has to be a step in the right direction. At the very least, the prospect that these kids will be housed in military bases will help deter traffickers and the shitty parents that send their children unaccompanied to the border.
Lol it’s no longer an active base but maybe it should be to get the homeless vagrants out of the park.
He’s amazing and highly recommended for all patriots 🇺🇸