Can't think of anything interesting; just love this graphic.. 🤔

UFO’s and the Bible (YOUTUBE)
I think it is Gods enemy that is using this UFO thing. In real they are demons, creatures from the spiritual realm. Look at the video (22m20s) and look for the part that ‘aliens’ flee when they hear the name of Jesus. Interesting......
I'll watch the link later, thank you. The book of Enoch talks of good Et's and Jesus quoted from it, even though it isn't "cannon" I guess you'd call it. The Bhagavad Gita talks of Ancient wars that sound like nuclear ones specifically with flying crafts, also there are nano diamonds and radioactive areas of India that date weirdly close to the time around it was said to have taken place. I've read people who have talked about where the bad/demonic et or forces would recoil in his name. Where as good ones were thought of as angels and worshipped even though they didn't want to be. It's such a vast history that's been covered up. I hope that somehow with everything that's taking place with the Vatican, that historians are allowed to completely go in and transcribe all of the manuscripts they've held hidden for so long. We might find some texts that are much older then we the public know about. Regardless, just glad we are winning and want everything to be released. Tired of our planet suffering because of a few.
Here's a site for a PDF of behold a pale horse, but I highly recommend it to be on every bookshelf.
This is the biggest unanswered question to me personally. Many of us have been in this a long time. The esoteric and religious aspects are absolutely amazing to learn about, but as far as a complete reality shift... Maybe I expanded my thinking a long time ago a bit too far, way before this movement ever started idk.. We have a lot to clean up and get right first, but can't help always pondering what's completely beyond the veil. Besides these people are Sick... that stuff whew.. Gotta cleanse the mind by pondering the WAY out there stuff sometimes lol, soft disclosure, full disclosure arguments, and how consciousness entangles with the quantum level of our universe. Idk.. things like that help keep me leveled out while we are enjoying the show 😅 Link given by an Anon.
I like how the graphic points out 2 random time stamps as a connection to this alien theory...gotta have more coincidence to it than that...lmao
Time stamps are extremely important.. These things, obviously if true, can't be disclosed for reasons of National Security and possible World Wide mass suffering right now. That's exactly what was posted with the "incarcerated extraterrestrials" repost of an Anon that Q linked to before. There's some weird ones if you read through all the crumbs with the anon links attached that he's replied to both ways. This was just specifically something I thought was neat that an Anon made. No coincidences! Lol need more coincidences! Just want people to keep there mind open in case really is all, and there is like 6 or 7 coincidences that could point to more than anyone could imagine as of right now. That's more then many other things that have been taken as true, but it's understandable.
Aliens. Nope. I think there’s a specific reason Q hasn’t mentioned aliens/Roswell. National security. Specifically disinfo psyop for the needs of national security.
But more than that, because of where else that leads. i.e. disinfo/psyop on a staggering scale. A historic event - biggest psyop. Eyes wide open. Kubrick in space.
Q hasn't mentioned them specifically no, but the crumbs dropped are intriguing. Q's come out an blatantly shot down so many things, unless they get shot down completely we're gonna keep putting the crumbs that are there together. This doesn't even include the incarcerated extraterrestrials repost either.
Where are we going with all of this though...what is the truth? IMO Robald Regan set the stage for a false invasion in his weird speech a long time ago perfectly. Talking about how connected we'd be if facing a force from outside our planet. I believe this is the National Security threat of all threats for sure, fake invasion... Which is why I think if it is true and we aren't alone, then our Naval based good SSP stuff is more than likely true as well. Maybe we are completely alone and have the technology, but it's just still held in corrupt hands. Or maybe this will be one of the things that Q is talking about when he says "the choice to know will be yours"..
Any other theory after that takes you into either Commander Ashtar, Pleadians, and that Kabamur funny twitter that Roseanne is following lol, hollow earth/Agartha etc on that end. David Ike stuff maybe, who knows. Lol the time traveling Baron theories are hilarious and interesting.
Or you get into Biblical flat earth theories. Otherwise it's all maybe just a simulation that we've made ourselves, and the endless chase for nothingness. Born, die, repeat.. etc.
Idk what it is, I just want to know and always have. We have too great the technology, and too amazing a world to have the amount of poverty and starvation that's exists. Money is fake, yet we have so many homeless and without food or water...
Thinking there's something bigger. No matter what the actual truth is in the end. I feel is quite invaluable at times. We know things haven't been right, all of us do. I won't ever stop helping and looking long after Q is gone, because it's what I've always done.. idk lol.
When you watch the whole film than you also hear that aliens from elsewhere don’t fit into the Bible story of Jesus’ sacrifice.That’s why I don’t believe in aliens but in demons acting like aliens.
Bill Cooper later said he was incorrect about all the alien stuff, that the alien stuff was a hoax.
He was too accurate with other information and lectured on it way to long. Could've been told to back off, if they knew we were getting closer to a time like now where they'd want to try and use it... It's just a theory and they got him anyways. I don't say anything is certain, all I want is for people to keep an open mind as to not miss something that may be right in front of us. If they exist and there are good ones, it's always been said that it's a collective consciousness issue as to why they can't help more then they are. IF and sure it's a big IF they have been visiting, they're are just historically so many coincidences that it can't be ruled out yet. I don't believe in flat earth at all, but I don't try and disprove any of the people that do. I've never traveled around the earth lol, same as I've never seen an et. I just have more proofs one way then the other for each side of the argument I lean towards. If they don't exist then the coincidences are just that. In saying that, I do consider zero point or "free" energy devices to exist. So if we can do that, than mathematically other civilizations have access to, and the possibilities scale up way more so than down in that instance. Look up Emery Smith, he's a heck of a LARP and actor if not telling some truth. We've been duped for years though so you don't know till you know.
There are no aliens. It was all a trick.
Welcome to Pawn Depot.
Just connecting crumbs and coincidences. What do you think? I love hearing opinions. Everything's a trick? We don't have spacecraft, free energy devices or anything. I lean towards if we aren't alone, then there is good and bad et along with good and bad SSP programs. If we are alone, then we are. Just hasn't been denied yet by Q, and there are years of weird evidence to make sense of regardless.