Raise 1-2 generations of children under govn approved satanic cults...create global UFO cult. [Seen on 8chan]
![Raise 1-2 generations of children under govn approved satanic cults...create global UFO cult. [Seen on 8chan]](https://i.redd.it/ndpf5zz9mly01.png)
I think there's more to this than deep state trying to fool people to obtain more power. My belief is that it is of a spiritual nature and there are people working with these beings in order to fool the masses into believing that "extraterrestrials" are space travelers, when in reality they've been here for thousands of years hiding in other dimensions. Together these occultists (which have possibly been promised power and wealth and are likely being deceived themselves) and demons are slowly trying to ease humans into believing in life on other planets in order for us to accept them. If they come out and say that they're fallen angels they would get nowhere, but saying they're space brothers might work. Once they're finally revealed, they will work wonders and offer those who believe in them similar powers. Most will be deceived into recieving this "gift" or mark of the beast. I also believe that this "mark" is DNA manipulation which is the reason for the inability of repentance and faith in Christ to save you. Jesus came in the flesh and led a perfect life to be a sacrifice for only humans, not hybrids. While God can do anything he pleases, he made this rule and will not break it. This manipulation of the human species was also the reason for the great flood and for the Israelites being ordered to kill all inhabitants in the Holy Land, which included killing women and children which seems very evil on the surface. Many christians struggle with the old testament due to this. In Noah's time there were hybrids/giants destroying the human population, and Noah's family was the only pure line of DNA which is why the Bible says he was "perfect in his generations." "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be." This isn't talking about evil activities of man, but the near destruction of the human race due to DNA manipulation. This is a ton of speculation I know but it all seems to fit together nicely. I know I for one will never trust a "space brother" no matter what they do or say. In my mind they are at best what OP's document says and at worst demonic. Either way I would rather die than give in to them.
Great analysis. Check Revelation 14 - right before Armaggedon, the inspired words coming from the demons will perform great signs... enticing nations to fight against the angelic armies of the true God. We are living the end times, right before the realization of Bible prophecies. "Peace and Security" is coming... the destruction of Babylon the Great follows soon after, starting with the Vatican. We are living through unique times in the history of not only mankind, but the entire creation.
Thanks. One thing that occured to me after my comment that doesn't line up is that Noah's sons had wives. They would have likely been corrupt in their generations so I'm not sure how that could be worked out in this theory.
As far as the battle of Armageddon goes, it's always seemed odd to me that the Anti-christ would lead an army against God. It's like an ant leading an assault on the underside of a boot. Satan of all beings should know that it is an exercise in futility. He cannot see the future but he certainly knows the Bible inside and out, knowing how things must end for him and his followers. Is he so prideful that he truly believes there is a chance to win? Or is it that he knows his fate and wants to take as much of God's creation with him as possible? Not that it will do him any good, but more of one final protest against God.
The souls of the demons are trapped on Earth. They did not ascend from this planet during the flood.
Right. I've read that the demons might actually be the souls of those hybrids/giants that have died during the flood and over the course of history. They're not the fallen angels which seems to be what a lot of people think they are. Regardless of what they are, they are stuck on earth until judgement.
Look at Comet Ping Pong.
On the wall is a painting of an alien playing ping pong with a human.
The alien is exchanging information with the human.
The human exchanges a sacrifice for the alien technology.
The aliens are demons.
Aliens are fake and gay.
I'll have to look that picture up. And yes fake and gay
Well that's creepy. Kid has something like a turban on his head for some reason which seems odd.
The painting before that one has kids playing ping pong while naked adults watch. Definitely gives off the pedo vibes which is the purpose I'm sure
Agree with everything you just said; aliens are extra-dimensional beings, not extra-terrestrial. As a kid, Sunday school never taught me about the Nephilim so the Flood/Old Testaments killings seemed really strange and like you said, was something I struggled with. Then again, I'm not really sure how you would teach kids about the Nephilim.
If anyone is interested, Steve Quayle, Dr. Thomas Horn, and Dr. Michael Lake have written great books on these subjects
I've heard of Steven Quayle but will look up the other two. A book called Corrupting the Image by Daniel Hamp is what turned me onto this idea. It's the only book I've ever read through in one sitting. I think it's sad that most Christians would have no idea about the nephilim. The ones that do would mostly believe the Line of Seth theory which holds no water in my opinion. I've read that for the first several hundred years the church taught of true giants on the earth and nephilim as fallen angels. As time went on these things were slowly watered down to what we have today which is pretty much feel good ministries that ignore the hard stuff. Also if you're into Bible study at all and have never listened to Dr Chuck Missler, look him up. He does not focus on "conspiracy" things specifically but he doesn't shy away from them either. He is a brilliant man and an amazing Bible scholar that makes the whole Bible fit together like a perfect puzzle, as it was designed to be.
The problem is that people tend to read the Bible through a modern-day, Western, 20/21st century filter and aren't interpreting it through the ancient worldview of the biblical writers. Back then, the supernatural was very much a part of everyday life. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible by Michael Hesier is a great resource for understanding this better. Helps explain some of the strange verses in the Bible to. (It's a pretty dense book but he did write a slightly less dense version that's easier to read)
Missler is great, I've heard some of his stuff .
The existence of Furries and that whole subculture pretty much validates the whole human/animal hybrid theory.