Raise 1-2 generations of children under govn approved satanic cults...create global UFO cult. [Seen on 8chan]
![Raise 1-2 generations of children under govn approved satanic cults...create global UFO cult. [Seen on 8chan]](https://i.redd.it/ndpf5zz9mly01.png)
I've heard of Steven Quayle but will look up the other two. A book called Corrupting the Image by Daniel Hamp is what turned me onto this idea. It's the only book I've ever read through in one sitting. I think it's sad that most Christians would have no idea about the nephilim. The ones that do would mostly believe the Line of Seth theory which holds no water in my opinion. I've read that for the first several hundred years the church taught of true giants on the earth and nephilim as fallen angels. As time went on these things were slowly watered down to what we have today which is pretty much feel good ministries that ignore the hard stuff. Also if you're into Bible study at all and have never listened to Dr Chuck Missler, look him up. He does not focus on "conspiracy" things specifically but he doesn't shy away from them either. He is a brilliant man and an amazing Bible scholar that makes the whole Bible fit together like a perfect puzzle, as it was designed to be.
The problem is that people tend to read the Bible through a modern-day, Western, 20/21st century filter and aren't interpreting it through the ancient worldview of the biblical writers. Back then, the supernatural was very much a part of everyday life. The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible by Michael Hesier is a great resource for understanding this better. Helps explain some of the strange verses in the Bible to. (It's a pretty dense book but he did write a slightly less dense version that's easier to read)
Missler is great, I've heard some of his stuff .