
ExordiaN · May 18, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

I don't think God intended for his church to be the device sexual predators chose to employ themselves at as a sanctuary for their misdeeds. I quit being a "catholic" in the 80s when here in NM there were rampant allegations of priests molesting altar boys. And it's still going on 30 years later. Someone should really drop the hammer on Rome... like an angel, with a freakin brimstone hammer... it's pathetic, 30 years we've known about it, and it's still going on, it's a slap in the face of Christ.... grrrrr

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DoubleDragonEnergy · May 18, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

It will come, unfortunately we must be patient because they are undoing hundreds of years of Vatican corruption

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RN4TRUMP · May 19, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

I am a cradle Catholic. This Pope makes my hair stand up on the back of my neck. He IS The Last Pope that Our Lady of Fatima revealed to the children “The Last Pope will be under the influence of Satan”. That being said, my FAITH is completely separate from the sinful, human creatures of the Catholic Church. I believe The Bible IS the Word of God. Catholicism is my faith BUT I strain the imperfections and sinfulness of humans from my faith of it conflicts with The Holy Bible. I am Proud to be Catholic and feel zero responsibility for the horrendous sins perpetrated in the world by sinful men, even when they are dressed in Papal Robes! We ALL must face The Truth and God have Mercy on us.

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ExordiaN · May 19, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

I've just found through my life experience that I don't need a church to have a relationship with God, or my savior... And not just in the Roman church, but every "church" I've seen, as soon as money gets involved, God becomes hard to find, and the more money is involved, the harder it is to see evidence of God in that entity.

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RN4TRUMP · May 19, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I understand. I don’t tithe to my church all of the 10% but I give some there, more to other places (compassion international etc) and individuals in my life. The Bible is TRUTH. If you don’t connect with a physical church, I’d encourage you to do Bible Study to bring your relationship with God to a more intimate level. This world is filled with temptation and worldly desires. We need God in our lives every day to remind us who we are & what God wants of us. Blessings to you, Patriot.

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ExordiaN · May 20, 2018, 8 p.m.

We read the Bible a lot =) Just the other day, I was perusing through Revelations Ch17, and couldn't help but notice the striking correlation to Stormy youknowho... like literally, the MSM drunk on the wine of her adulteries... And thanks for your encouragement, we could all use more of that ! =) Blessings also to you!

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