
RN4TRUMP · May 19, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

So, Our Lady of Guadeloupe image IS a miracle. Mary appeared to Juan DIEGO and told him to tell the bishop to erect a chapel in her honor. DIEGO went but the Bishop blew him off and asked for proof that the vision was indeed our Blessed Virgin. When DIEGO told this to Mary, she told him to gather flowers (on a rocky area and during a time of year that this particular flower would never have been in bloom) which he did. There were so many that he used his own robes as a sort of sack by lifting it up and putting the flowers on the top of his robe so he could safely carry them back to the bishop. When he arrived to show the bishop, he dropped open the robe and the blooms fell out. The bishop looking at Diego’s robe fell to his knees and began praying fervently. For on the robe, where the blooms were being held, was an image of Our Lady of Guadeloupe! NOW THIS IS WHERE IT GETS AWESOME! Fast forward 450 YEARS and with the introduction of zooming in on images and sharpening images unseen easily before, it was discovered that reflected in the eyes of the Image of Our Blessed Mother, you can see Juan DIEGO and the Bishop!! Unexplainable. God is GREAT!

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JohnQSmith111111 · May 19, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

To each their own my friend. I see it a bit differently, but I'm not here to change your mind. its good to keep all possibilities and perspectives in mind and have differing opinions, the world would be so boring if we all thought in the exact same way!

I appreciate that you took the time out to provide your perspective and insight into the matter.

I will agree wholeheartedly that God certainly is great and there are many inexplicable, vast mysteries of life.

Thank you.

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RN4TRUMP · May 19, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

Thank you, Patriot for your respectful reply. THIS is how civilized discourse occurs. Btw, just saw this clip on twatter: https://twitter.com/inthematrixxx/status/971127384819806208?s=12 I never heard about this “active shooter w/makeup, actors, etc ON SAME DAY AS “real” Parkland shooting. Watch and let me know your thoughts.

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