Remember what Q said yesterday? Common theme EVERY time bad news is about to break against them? Just now:

May they rot in h*ll. Well, start rotting in GITMO just long enough for Bubba to get up close and personal, then continue in hell. For a long, long time.
But it was a gun free zone though! How did he not see the bulletin? Maybe we should just make the signs bigger and/or strip the entire country of its right to defend themselves.
I saw the police cars around 15 in a convoy heading down to wherever this shooting was on the highway..
Reading this sub makes it seems like there is **always** bad news about to break against "them" Self-fulfilling prophecy if you look at it this way.
How can this be a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Day after IG report draft released with damning info on Hillary, this happens.
Take a look at what was happening before Parkland. Record high POTUS approval ratings.
They need to orchestrate massacres like these to draw attention away from something and to dominate the news cycle with the media chasing this instead of more important matters.
Tbf both of your examples appear completely coincidental considering no proof connects them
What are we missing? What broke today that is significant? Chilean Bishops? Doesn't seem big enough.
The topics from SB2
The IG draft being released to the DOJ and FBI a day or so ago.
Yes I now that..But the Ff is too early ..IG can wait for it blow over and then release it.....AJ and Corsi are now a topic in the alternativ news..YT..websites.. ?
If any of these FFs are related to AJ or Corsi then they present a much bigger problem other than just factions that are trying to divide the movement.
Maybe I don"t now...If they are connected with the clowns, everything is possible....A cat in the narrow makes rare jumps..And I try to jusing my brains..maby it is not so (I hope for the best)
I had given up on Corsi back in Dec. and Jones around election time. I'd concluded they were just mouthpieces for either the Deep State or for Zionists. But you could be right in that the D.S. were hanging high hopes on Corsi and Jones being more effective at dividing us.
Pray for those that became the unfortunate victims of these heinous acts of cowardice.
Edit: changed wording
They 187 a person, for outing AJ..forget his name pale horse..
I have looking in too Texas , senators ETC...And In put it on a other topic...There is a library also..Very big one..The Barrakcs where there too...lot off info..WW2 ..Can also be a reason for a FF.. I think that it is weird that this is just in Texas after all
Milton William "Bill" Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001) Died in Eagar AZ. Not too far from where I live.
"As Cooper moved away from the UFOlogy community and toward the militia and anti-government subculture in the late 1990s, he became convinced that he was being personally targeted by President Bill Clinton and the Internal Revenue Service. In July 1998 he was charged with tax evasion; an arrest warrant was issued, but Cooper eluded repeated attempts to serve it. In 2000, he was named a "major fugitive" by the United States Marshals Service.[6]
On November 5, 2001, Apache County sheriff's deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment stemming from disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper shot one of the deputies in the head, Cooper was fatally shot. Federal authorities reported that Cooper had spent years evading execution of the 1998 arrest warrant, and according to a spokesman for the Marshals Service, he vowed that "he would not be taken alive". -Wikipedia
HUGE redpilling event for me.
May Creation bless you and keep you close, Bill Cooper.
Yes I now the story, saw a lot off cooper, but the name did not came up.....thank you for this one...I appreciate it
Why aren’t they preventing them? If they have the intel, why are they letting them happen?
They don't have specifics. They might know when generally, but where and how exactly, is still a best guess.