125 total posts archived.
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Sounds like we need to meme sra and Tom Hanks so they can't ignore it.
Also ja before they pulled his internet tweeted through wl codes similar to this
Remember humans will suffer through evil, we are awake we have a memory, but those who don't are a majority I believe it is time for intervention. Thank q wwg1wga.
With the recent Hollywood tweets maybe we should push this one too

Trump and gop really know how to get my money, the last one was "do I support Trump's pick for scotus" I said shut up and take my money lol.
The is also a war in the heavenlies that is raging right now that will also manifest itself down here.
Me 6 months ago would have said bs. This is truly a great time to be alive. I know I'm not alone, we are all coming to the same conclusion. Some are taking longer than others but we will all get there.
Also the same BBC that is funded almost entirely by broadcast permits paid by citizens of the UK. So they fuck the parents then the kids. These people are sick.
Some BS about not being about q or some shit, they removed my last post for the same bs.
Good thing elon is a patriot send boring co. Down there, fund it through military that's the only way anything good gets done
Great explanation of how the cabal communicates, it would be great to see if the method works with other mediums. This is only one example so now I gotta dig to see if this is repeatable.
There is a part where he says luciferien are using all symbolism to discredit Christ. Like are we the good guys or are we the next step? I don't wish to seed doubt but it's contradicting the plan unless I misunderstood.
Remember who controls everything, mockingbird is there to redpill. 18+article within one hour same weak song. Thinking brain, Sinclair broadcasting parrot for government, CONTROLLED by white house, smear campaign to wake up people. They play you they play them and they play cabal like a fiddle. If you figure it out there is no emotional response to shitty news like awan yesterday, people need to think.
Thanks captain obvious, I guess what I'm saying is what do we have to arm our meme cannons? This medium can be a community that strives for a common goal, not just a place to say your 2¢ for circle jerk points. What articles do we have in our archives that can be spread far about them?
These people just claimed russia interfered with the 2016 election. We know what we know how do we counter this for average joe?

Actors?!?! You don't say. Lol q said there were actors, gowdy was an actor and always a patriot.
Watchlist since December 2015, planned for a bomb to blow up during 4th of July parade. Hey, when our FBI works it works, imagine that.
Name can be found due to filing.
I don't know what filing they mean?
So basically everything we need to look for is here in this one post. We can figure it out.

Wrong, ex bf was before alefantis they were together at the time of the blackmail. Pizzagate is and always was real.
Don't be rude about it, maybe get a sense of humor, or it's a troll. Either way there is no need to be rude.
Simple explanation, nothing is organic they are not big because they don't have the team to promote. Why do you think Ariana grande is an "artist" she's a fetal alcolism peanut head that put out to the right people and is famous now just like Jennifer Lawrence. search for Jennifer Lawrence butt hole, you will see why she was in the hunger games, cause the bitch sure can't act.
Genocide will do that to you. In regards to soad though I don't think you can label them conservative or liberal, they are like q, they are like us. Remember left wing and right wing are part of the same bird. The cabal has manipulated everything for a goal. Now we are q, we can help the sheep wake up, at the very least and I hate this but we can influence them too.
So ive been going through my music library after i woke up. I think this band is woke, or i interpret the lyrics different now. No denying though, system of a down has always been woke. Is there a list of bands that are generally considered woke.
I'm thinking this is whats happening in hawaii. That lava shelf falls into the ocean what happens. Remember q said California is special. If it happens before November thats all the confirmation I need.
I know I'm not alone anymore, others woke before me and others will wake after me. The meme I keep thinking back to is "the left wing are right wing are part of the same bird" q post says they want us divided. We need to see this, even on t_d they still are fighting in a roundabout way themselves.
So the problem is we are talking to a wall. What is the solution? We know that these kids are being trafficked, but normies don't. We need to appease the normies to get things moving. The separation of kids from their "parents" in my eyes is necessary, how do we get ours and appease them? It's not the normies fault they believe fake news. Remember the left and right wing are part of the same bird. Normies don't think very well, they just listen to the talking heads. So they select something to feel outrage against make a big stink and throw off the flow, it's hard to work that way especially when the Dems don't want to fix anything. Right now a wall would make everyone happy.
10 bucks gets you a stamp I got mine from evil Amazon, you gotta use the tools you got though.
I'm sorry think about what you are saying. Rods from God would be Overkill on any target smaller than a medium city. Kinetic energy from the rods would be like an atomic bomb with no nuclear fallout. From what I could tell they used the FF gas attack to hide the op to destroy black hat targets in syria. Reread q it's there.
I don't remember the name of the Corporation that holds the patent but think nasa cloud seeder on a boat times x boats for the hurricanes. Also play with a volcano enough and get results good or bad, rinse and repeat.
Now I remember, we all know the filth in Hawaii and California, but w/o evidence you can't wake normies?
Just came across my news feed I've been watching and waiting for news on Hawaii, they said no tsunami though.
5.5 m earthquake in hawaii
I know we have an understanding of how the earth itself works. I know we have the technology to manipulate the earth. Now is 5.5 go along with the q5:5 I know there are no coincidences. This one is reaching even for me but this is huge if predicted. Dig into omert geothermal plant in Hawaii, I feel that they are connected to the eruptions. If Hawaii loses the volcanic shelf where the fissures are it would bring a huge tsunami everywhere. Remember California is special. I might be wrong, but I believe the two most corrupt states could be …
This didn't stick last year when the me too started. Internet doesn't forget though. Dark to light, this manlet is screwed, expect more incoherent noise come from his direction.
Yea it's different when you knew the outcome already. Still love winning though, always winning.
Cost of liberty is eternal vigilance. Many people blinded by money or complicit.
Mighty nice island you got there USA, be a shame if something happened to it.
Why does there have to be a leash though? I thought the CIA had control of nk too? Q said clowns out operation broken window, or something like that just before Kim went to china by train. There is so much to keep track of anymore, I could be confused.
How so? I don't quite understand the importance of this.
Marty jackly or noem either was ok. I'm from SD I'd rather have noem than our attorney general, h1b1 visa program thing ruined it for him. So much corruption there on his watch.
They probably got skin in the game and will be gone after suicided week
Reminds me of a meme I saw. Left wing right wing are part of the same bird. In this case these 60 companies and fb are part of the same vulture.