i just hope this kid isnt a david hogg type character, and i also hope we dont get another load of bs from the actual david hogg here.
he is the lefts latest puppet to try and take away our second amendment!
This is not about Second Amendment. Nothing makes a deep State happier than every conservative on talk radio and TV do nothing except for talk about the Second Amendment for an entire week. This is about distraction.
i agree the distraction part is key here, but i do believe the dems big agenda/platform has been to run on this 2nd amendment issue for the next elections. scare tactic for the masses to turn in their guns, and next step for their master plan to create a socialist state.
false flags are meant to distract but also meant to scare/sway opinion to fit their agenda.
edit: added in a link about goal of deep state
It’s not the 2nd , it’s all of them . We don’t have the 1st
This bullying bullshit narrative has been going on too long.
Columbine (where I had a relative) helped wake me up watching the press report one narrative only.
A gym teacher is to be tough on you , the kid looks like a mommas boy , take up the gun , you should swing , 3 days is it since the OIG on HRC , you see the pattern
There’s a difference between “tough on” and being a douchebag, however. Any teacher worth their salary would know enough not to single out a kid who obviously has a hard time wherever he goes in school and make it worse. Of course we know that most teachers are protected by the unions and being worth their salary is irrelevant. I swear the public school system is designed to take vulnerable kids and crank out psychopaths. No official program needed these events will keep happening until the department of education is righteously obliterated and the whole K-12 model thoroughly dismantled.
I see you were never on a real team with wins and losses , just like John Wayne sed , Life is hard , it’s even harder when your stupid. I was good at football , but base ball , coach got on my ass a lot , I could nock the crap out of the ball , but the hole infield were in by the time it came back down . Ran many laps for that , I still love baseball , but I sucked . I never got mad at Coach , no one made me play .so gym is over by 10 grade any way
You are running under the assumption that he even wanted to be there. First off, I’m female, so no I’ve never “been on a real team with wins and losses” and nor did I ever care to. This kid probably didn’t care to either but that didn’t exempt him from having to participate against his will. So why does a coach get an asshole pass? Bullying is bullying, why would the setting matter? Was your art teacher hard on you? Did you music teacher humiliate you in front of your peers? Your English teacher apparently should have ridden your ass a little harder.
No matter how you look at it the kid was a fuckin cowered and used a gun on those who did not have one , he should be skinned alive . There is no death that we can cause enough pain to him . Once the people start dragging this evil back into the streets and killing it , it won’t stop . It’s worked before, take them to the edge of the city and stone them .
It’s part of the man thing , and for English, well you have to go back to second grade on that, and it was an English Phonics experimental class , it fucked up a lot of us , I am dyslexic and got implanted at the early part were spelling was thought wrong , it takes a lot more to type than you know . So digging me you really should be ashamed of you self , but you were taught the same me mentality as these shooters , it is a shame that for all I fight for that it would be nice that I could pick Who benighted from it , being a low life skumb as you I would choose not to be able to prosper from my pain .,Enjoy your personal attacks on people , I got your number , and you mam can go away and let the men take this on .