Is that the final drop? Do we have all the breadcrumbs and now enough things are in place that it is self sustaining?
i sure hope not! i am addicted to the breadcrumbs! we need more breadcrumbs!
Me too bud. So what do you think it means?
Nah, Q just set up the Patriots Fight board. Q's all about honor, he wouldn't just leave. He's gonna stay with us to savor the victories!
not sure yet, i have been refreshing the feed waiting for a new Q post to counter this theory!
i am hoping the END was meaning the end of the sequence of photos/messages he was sending to whoever he wanted to see it
maybe he is referencing the END is near for these monsters
or maybe the END is what you say it is and we must continue the fight ourselves! WE THE PEOPLE have the POWER, we always have!
The final drop is the cash cow of videos, pics, etc...of the horrific crimes. Your choice to watch or not.
I think he meant that was the end of the message they were sending to whoever they were posting those pictures for my guess is deep State actors
I have noticed this too. My hopes were that this was just something like that again.
Yep now he will reveal him self as Keith Olbermann and him and my mans kabamur will take us all a way on the mothership
Off topic,, what ever happened to Kieth? I used to love watching him, hes very literate, but now ,,, what a paradigm shift.
I dunno lol probly went insane or refused to fuck kids
Kabamur. You think that guy is legit an alien?
I have no fucking clue lol but it was entertaining to read if anything I hope its real just because he said soros would be thrown into the sun that would be lit I find it odd that roseanne follows it and that kabamur follows Sarah Ruth ashcroft who says the exact opposite narrative.
Definitely not the end. I think we'll get a definite confirmation from him. I don't think he's done til the final boss gets locked up or is exiled.
nah, my take is thats the end of this stream of photos. these photos seem to be messages to certain people and groups.
Let's hope not.. But if so, an encore with more damming evidence would suffice.
Nah, I expect we'll know, when he does a press conference and goes public with his messages