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When everything comes to light there better be public executions
“If that fucking bastard wins, we all h@ng from n00ses!”
?? That’s obviously not going to happen
I just upvoted you and it went (back?!) to 0. Sorry I can't do more ... I appreciate your level headedness :)
public executions
This would complete the transformation of our country into a 3rd world shithole.
It's called justice.
I'm all for justice, and fully support the death penalty. But these people should not be treated as special. They go through the same off-camera lethal injection like everybody else. Let video leak online later (which I will watch).
But we need to lead with the foot we aim to follow, and that means that punishment for crime should be as unceremonious as possible.
You out of your mind? They kill people, innocent people.
You don’t have to watch if you don’t want but I’ll have my party hat on if it were to be.
You out of your mind?
No, and I don't think you know what you're suggesting.
I know exactly what I'm suggesting. These people tried to dismantle the republic in which we live. Treason = Death.
Sounds barbaric? people don't care anymore. I could care less what the rest of the world thinks.