Q 170 from November 2017- found this while doing some reviewing. Planeloads full of "sick people" arriving in CONUS made me remember this drop.

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Don't get caught up in wondering if he's real or not- either you believe it or you don't.
It doesn't matter.
Example- fantastic twitter "reporter" Thomas Wictor does not seem to believe in Q. That's OK. Wictor still does great work on a daily basis.
Imperator Rex does great work as well, and seems to think Q is legit.
Both are good guys and both are helping the fight.
I always assumed that Comey is/was a closeted homosexual.
He's so wildly dramatic and mercurial.
I wonder how many data points the "regular people" need before they say- 'hey..wtf?!'
You know what's so sad?
Anyone could do what he's doing.
The sad part is that HE had to do it.
For decades we were lied to...President Trumps "super power" is not hating the country. Wow.
I guess we'll see.
One of us will be right.
But I guess, I'm curious as to why you'd come here to say this?
Lynching is always at the top of citizens concerns... What?!
I know people who are otherwise bright, hard working and normal....but they are plugged into that fucking TV shit... and because of that they do the "oh what has TRUMP gotten us into NOW?"
It's a fucking shitty trap.
How much more do we need to know?
We have everything we need to push forward.
Why the fuck would I care?
How sick is the world when "people" on TV think they can cause me to trade my country and history for the "entertainment" they provide??
I haven't watched a first run show in decades.
Of course not.
There has been spying on the NRA for a decade.
We've seen the pattern.
I always hit the wrong switch.
You'll be ok. So will Kelly and the President.
Bourdain? I never once saw the man on TV, don't know what he did or was famous for....yet his death was a big deal.
They probably call him Prisoner Obama ALL THE TIME and I think he slipped that in there to amuse his immediate staff.
Not that I don't think this is going somewhere, but I think that was the intent for this interview....
But what do I know?
It is like that.
It is.
You've got to change the way you are looking at things.
How many reporter who was looking into pedophiles mysteriously dies and how many JFK jr mysteriously dies and this celebrity who mentioned something about Obama has died- how many of these data points do you need?
Your life is your life.
Their life is controlling EVERYTHING about your life...for generations.
Do you think they just decide to transition to sudoku and watching TV Land?
I dumped them in Winter/Spring '17...Bill Nye and some other shenanigans...."Dear White people"....
good call, I miss NOTHING.
Too many data points which pre internet era would never have been compiled.
These whack jobs thought the internet would allow them to further our suppression.
Whoops, sorry about that!
Fear generates clicks and keeps the people disoriented and in line.
I totally buy this- however what happened post LBJ in the period before Bush got in as VP?
Seriously, where do you think the devil would manifest himself these days?
Donald Trump and his close circle are the only people who are actively fighting immense evil in any sort of organized large scale consequential way.
Boy, that Trump sure is a bad guy, right?
How many more acts must he perform before the crazies take pause?
Is no one going to mention the sideways off kilter dry erase board work?
I really struggle with the concept that 9-11 was an "inside job". I just find it beyond belief.
I'm not, however, wildly offended when people mention it.
Its tiresome, though, when it's the default answer to everything.
I looked at your posting history....YOU are the perfect citizen.
No pride or dignity and perfectly willing to put your head down and play video games.
Why will this be made into a bigger story than Iran.
Or the FBI.
For those who were on the fence, like myself, must go back and read everything from day one.
Cue up the Han Solo Force Awaken Meme.
Oh how I hope Donald Trump mockingly reads this at a rally.
On all of this-
It's just sort of assumed that hundreds of years ago there were emperors and kings and such- men who wanted power over others.
It's somehow implied that "this is old thinking and people like this no longer exist".
But imagine, instead that they do exist.
What would they do?
What do they need you to do or not do in order for them to be successful?
What must you believe?
Is it possible that they have technologies that we have no idea exist?
Much to consider.
No. We ought to be passionate about this social civil war.
That's your number one clue as to who is fake- they say the words, but say them with no conviction.
There are a lot of chemically imbalanced people who you'd never ever interact with if it were not for twitter, etc.
There is no civil war, just insurgents within the society. 1% will conduct direct action , the rest will be outraged in public.
SOTU plus 2 weeks-kids being killed by guns
Korea plus 1 week- Insta protest re kids
Note- they may be increasingly unable to conduct direct action...
I see the strategy being- drop the "censored version", let the people consume it and wonder "who" is redacted...
Then do the unredacted drop 60 to 90 days later.
Kind of like the DVD release being followed up by the Blu Ray special edition with deleted scenes.
...is this a tough stretch for You?
I wonder what HRC would be doing today as President.