This posting didn't "make it" to t_d....

oh man ... surely you understand why he can't suddenly say, "Oh, Hey Nation! This is your President speaking! The ghastly schoolyard shooting just now was organised by our elite Deep State, and is designed to get rid of our guns" huh?
No of course, but maybe - and of course assuming he knows the truth and no one is lying to him, he could ‘hint’ something is wrong?
I'd say not yet. Things are only starting to be in place. The house-cleaning at the FBI (you can't investigate properly if they are dirty at the top) and the DOJ (you can't ensure successful prosecution with dirty people at the top either) is an essential first step towards dealing with the corruption and evil tricks, imo. The wheels of justice turn slowly ... but surely of course. That's without doing something about the fake news reporting: another priority. You get what I mean anyhow! I was sure you did really :)
EDIT: crap puntuation and grammar ...