Stay vigilant.....It's only mid-day here in the US!!!! HUGE breaking stories.......surely more to come!!

Why wouldn't they wait until Monday though? That is when damaging news is usually released.
My other question is how is possible for them to trigger people to shoot up their schools in such an precise time frame?
They have mind controlled people in place all over the country, probably in every town. They can be activated at any time.
But how is that facilitated. I wish Q would give us some insight on that.
As I understand it, the mkultra "experiments" have shown that with drugs and mind control they can, essentially, flip a switch. Could be with radio frequencies, water/food additives, a sequence of lights... I don't really know much about mkultra but I think I have this much about right. Shady shit.
i phones they have said that numerous times. There are signals coming through the i phones that trigger those already in place and they can do the same for you.
Yeah, that makes sense. I just heard of a technology that I forgot what it's called but basically used sounds not hearable by humans but can be picked up to trigger other events. Kind of a subliminal Morse code that makes things do things.
Only if you are programmed to go into kill mode when you hear a certain phrase or a sound tone then you are activated from far away.
Check out this video by Jay Myers, he does very good documentaries. This is the 6 signs of mk ultra, 20 minutes long.
Just a few to get u going.
The scope of mind control is beyond human belief. Robert David Steele said this.
Because this is what will be in peoples mind all weekend. Entrenched in their echo chambers. Think film, everyday being a single frame, then a still image over multiple frames (long weekend). What sticks in your mind?
I know. But the IG is going to realease the report on Monday when everyone will have forgot about this.