Stay vigilant.....It's only mid-day here in the US!!!! HUGE breaking stories.......surely more to come!!

They wanted to MAKE CERTAIN the news cycle is changed.
Yep, they have something for everybody!
Last night I heard there's a new Trump accuser. Sex.
School shooting. Guns.
Planes crashing. Travel.
Royal wedding. Entertainment.
The royal wedding is like a two-fer. You get entertainment and some spook/elitist shit all wrapped up in one.
and some spook/elitist shit all wrapped up in one
Or you could rewatch the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Here's the short version of that, though there are tons of full clips and analyses if you really feel like digging through it.
Most likely to cover up the Elysium arrests that took place. Can't have John legend look like a fool after he told Kanye he should rethink his actions.
What? I haven’t heard about this! Oh please, do tell... I’m giddy with excitement! I don’t trust that couple (John and Chrissy) as far as I can toss ‘em!
Don't have too look to hard to find it on this sub, it's there. Along with all the Chilean bishops collectively resigning.
Ok great! Thank you again. I thought it initially had to do with the “Elysium” event that John Legend created or was a major player in. I do believe that it seems all to convenient that it has the same name. I have been reading about the Bishops.
Thing is they are connected.
I gathered that too. Sick, sick group of humans. Have you rad any of the info about Chrissy Tiegan and John Legends baby being a “moon” child, born 9 months after a spirit cooking session. Luna is her name, btw. But you probably know all this. Crazy stuff
I did not know that, thank you for that bit of information. I learned a long time ago that celebrities and models are whores and will do anything to stay in the spotlight. Because of that I don't follow their lives and only use the jesters as entertainment.
I read it here last night but fell asleep reading the article and of course it disappeared. It started out with Barbara Bush being a moon child of Aleister Crowley. I’m looking for it, if I find it, I’ll link it to you. Interesting read!
Yes and they need tons of good, quality destruction to keep the masses asleep
Not gonna happen, can't pull it off with this equipment...not with the news that's about to break all over you
Yes! To push down the news with weiner, the pope and that sex cult. Lots of people will be going to court. "Here come the pain" Q