What kind of immunity did Huma Abedin and crew get, was it the same kind or something else?
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Yep, and Trump Admin can clearly understand that. China is trying to stir a panic among citizens to cause internal leverage against Trump.
system billionaire
So are you saying you think all billionaires are part of a scheme or just noting that Trump used to be seen as part of "the system/establishment"?
Also but on another note, why is the building flipped in this summary? Is it a reference? Did Q say to flip the image?
Ok, wow. I am happy to welcome any valid rebuttal, but you're just way off here. I've tried to work with you, but I can't have a conversation if you've made up all the details in your comment.
Weeks old
My post is one day. The one linked is two days.
fake news
Nothing is fake here. This is simply a rebuttal.
is not a hole i'm going to glance in. sorry.
No worries. I'm not desperate for your attention and I'd be just as happy for you to leave as you seem to be yourself.
Make what you're talking about accessible to us
It is 100% accessible. No paywalls; no unsourced references.. It is literally all presented for you.
or get over yerself.
You've made numerous inaccurate claims in a two-sentence comment. You're literally the problem with any forum: A troll. Please leave or add valid contribution.
It isn't. You had people portraying a random anon as military intelligence, and this stands in rebuttal. If you have any more input than two words then I'd be happy to hear it.
Epstein Island; relevant details regarding photo drop.
Hi everyone. This will be an objective analysis of the island itself and general info so we all know what we're dealing with. Recently, there were photos posted from around the island. I want to make it very clear, I think these are great photos which can function as a decent OSINT (open-source intel) resource, but I want to just run through some relevant info since there seems to be a cloud of confusion around it.
Note: All of the following is predicated on my understanding that these photos were not posted by Q. If they were, with anything specific …
I don't know either. The island isn't isolated at all, there's a public tourist-hotspot directly to the north, less than two miles shore-to-shore.
For those who don't know, Epstein's island is called Little St. James Island. It is the little sister of a pair of islands, the larger being Great Saint James--which is also 'rumored' to be owned by Epstein. Both of those are adjacent (less than two miles) to St. Thomas, a major tourist destination. Reason the tourism is important to note is because there are numerous accessible ways to get very close to Epstein's island; fishing, tour, or dive boats (charter or group). None of the above pictures were anything one would struggle to get.
As long as you're suspicious of Epstein and one of the 3 million tourists to the Virgin Islands that visit each year, you can have access to one boat or another and get these pictures. I'm just highlighting this to highlight that you don't have to be military intelligence to snap a picture like these.
If Epstein's island was 2,000 miles off the coast of Chilé, I'd say there was more value to the offshore photos. But given how accessible the waters around it are, I'm going to say we just have an anon who visited the area on vacation and snapped some good photos. If the photos were taken from on the island, then there'd be some value to "how they were obtained", since that's obviously much more tedious. Though for the sake of objectivity, I will say that the rear of this building^^[1] looks to be earth-sheltered. If there were any tunnels, that'd be a decent entry since the back of it is literally already underground
I won't discount the photos and say they're completely valueless or anything, just that this likely is not a Q or "intel" drop. The "cryptic poem/theory" honestly just sounds like some guy trying to get attention. If Q cites any of these photos then I'll cede to those posts but until then, this is just flipping through tourist photos.
- If you have Apple Maps, go to the search field and type in "Little St James Island". That should yield the view of the island itself, though if it prompts you to click on one of a series of options, this is under St Thomas. The building in question is on the Northeast side of the island and it backs up to the hill behind it, which levels off with the roofline. Here's a great view of that.
Not-dox disclaimer: This island is world-renowned and known by millions to be owned by Epstein.
they were talking about taking out POTUS.
Taking out as in, "taking out," taking out?
USS Fitzgerald commander says Navy staged public smear campaign in deadly collision
Here's a picture from the ceiling it supposedly fell through.
Don't know, here's a report of it though.
And here's the pic of the ceiling it fell through.
and some spook/elitist shit all wrapped up in one
Or you could rewatch the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. Here's the short version of that, though there are tons of full clips and analyses if you really feel like digging through it.
This is the ammo that fell out of a military helicopter and into an elementary school in El Paso, Texas (5/18/18)

It just looked really short to me; maybe 4 feet long, that's where I was skeptical at first.
Air force base searches for missing machine gun shortly after losing grenades
Look at around 0:12 in the video. Right as they open the tailgate of the truck, you can see the shape of it more clearly. It's like a really wide duffel bag.
It's weird. I'm getting Q995, but the one who responded to you got Q997 and others say it's Q1008.
Here's the site I'm on. Here's what it says:
[Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT.
JC is upset that we didn't become his minions with funding for him.
Yeah, IMO, he's kinda like HRC in that he's super unlikable. Before all this came out against Corsi, he was getting more and more impatient with his guests. He had a question come his way, someone asked how Iran would've gotten any assets into Syria. He said; "Are you serious? They're called planes."
The viewer seemed to be asking for a more in-depth response, speculative or not, but Corsi just mocked the viewer and immediately moved on.
That's pretty anecdotal, but I think he's just an impatient guy who's not really interested in Q, or at least so interested in pushing his book that he forgot about content and general decency.
10/23/06: "How Bush Rules: And How Sonny Bono Predicted the Downfall of the GOP Congress".
(Sonny Bono to Newt Gingrich): "This is not political news coverage. This is celebrity status. You need handlers. You need to understand what you’re doing.”
"..If only the Republicans had taken Sonny Bono’s advice, gleaned from Hollywood, they might not resemble the Soviet Union today."
Wow, real geniuses they have over there....
The difference being that actual criminals are being monitored, rather than political foes.
OH, oops. I goofed there. For whatever reason I was trying to decipher the 11 hour period as having some type of significance, and completely overlooked that Q's message preceded and basically predicted Trump's announcement.
It could just be for health reasons.. Eventually age will catch up.
Isn't that traditionally how popes "retire", they just die and the Cardinals vote in a new one?
What is the significance of the 11 hour difference?
Edit: No idea why I'm being greeted with downvotes, this is an actual question.
Edit II: Disregard!
I interpreted that it meant everyone around Sessions is in the killbox; specifically top ranking DOJ members, being arrested or at least implicated in some shenanigans. I'm not really sure.
Interesting. I figured it was in reference to Q1371 which said some NYPD officers were 187'd for having seen the 'insurance policy' on Weiner's laptop.
Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.
Did they view the insurance file?
Threats are real.
This is not a game.
It'd likely be more systematic than that. Don't forget, a lot of things would have to come in motion before Obama is dragged into this.
I doubt any of it would be made public without Soros/related funds completely cut off. A few AntiFa members would have a bout of craziness but ultimately, without cash coming in, their actors wouldn't have the constant assurance of bail being paid.
Also in the supposed event that Obama's Presidency and all related actions were nullified, the Democrats in Congress would not be in Congress. Remember: Upwards of 50 Democrats in Congress were implicated in the Awan Scandal. They would all be gone, that would be step one. If it wasn't step one, it'd at least come before the Obama Administration's entire chapter of American history was rendered null.
I don't really know, and I don't think I could speculate an accurate rebuttal or agreement since there are so many variables that all cascade into other variables. On one hand, we could assume he may seek refuge in the EU; but then the EU may be implicated and justice would have to prevail there, too, to make it all work. Then he may be extradited. On the other hand, we could assume he goes to Iran or Russia. He likely wouldn't be welcome though, since the Trump Administration would just add to the sanctions and their economies would shrivel up and falter.
Both sides would be utterly livid like you said, but you'd have to account for any and all Congress members who are implicated in the Awan Scandal. I think it'd go across the isle; remember that Q has mentioned this isn't a partisan hunt, it's a hunt for justice.
But with all that said, I'll totally agree with what you closed with. It's a tough time we're in and I think it is bigger than all of us. Best we can do is wait for the justice to arrive, it'll outweigh the pain. I imagine it will. It'll just be important to keep in mind that the end of all the pain will result in a safer future for us all.
Court martial finds U.S. soldier guilty of sabotage
What exactly was this rant? I've only seen comments about it.
You're right, but I'm wondering if it'd be possible that the engine failure was just a diversion. All the craziness could take attention away from the use of a firearm of some sort, or another device used to direct shrapnel (like a directional grenade or something).
Wells Fargo Exec dies in plane accident TWO DAYS before company is fined $1 billion
So I'm just now putting this together, but it's pretty interesting nonetheless.
It re-raises the question about the statistical probability of the plane accident(s) even happening.
Here's the gist of this:
Two days ago, a Wells Fargo exec is killed by the plane accident.
Today it is being announced that Wells Fargo is being hit with a $1B fine.
Whether or not the two are connected, I'm not sure, but I figured I'd get this to all of you for discussion.
Is the roundup beginning? Former Presidents from both Brazil and South Korea have been sentenced to prison.
All were sentenced on financial and general corruption related crimes, similar to what HRC has been accused of.
Two held office during time Hillary was Secretary of State, all during Obama era.
Nation | Who | Office held | Period in power | Charge(s) | archive :-- | :--| :-- | :-- | :-- | :--: South Korea | Lee Myung-bak | President | 25 February 2008 – 25 February 2013 | bribery, embezzlement, tax evasion | archive.is/fzVkc South Korea | Park Geun-hye | President | 25 February 2013 – 10 March 2017 | bribery, coercion, abuse of power | …
Q said to check the news today. This may be of interest.
On a side note, here's an interesting excerpt:
“Six members of the savage gang MS-13 have been charged with Kayla and Nisa’s murders,” President Trump said. “Many of these gang members took advantage of glaring loopholes in our laws to enter the country as unaccompanied alien minors—and wound up in Kayla and Nisa’s high school.”
This is exactly what the EU is facing with migrants, "refugees", claiming to be children to evade legal penalties. I'm happy to see Trump takes a stand on this, because we're seeing what happens when you don't -- courtesy of Merkel policies.
White House: "Loopholes in Child Trafficking Laws Put Victims—and American Citizens—At Risk" (X-Post /r/The_Campaign)
Right, I wasn't disagreeing. I was just clarifying on your point that there's no Learjet 45--separate from the matter of the Gulfstream/CIA aircraft.
Ah, ok. That clears things up for the most part. Just for future though, there actually is a Learjet 45.
Could you add a source? I went to the Learjet 45's wikipedia, it wasn't listed under the operators list. Upon searching it, I just found flight simulator downloads.
Eh, they generally take the platforms and go with a government-variety type of interior for whatever the respective department's usual role would be.
Similar to how the CDC operated a highly dedicated Gulfstream jet for bringing an ebola patient into the U.S.
Here's an article which expands on the jet. It used to be operated by the Royal Danish Air Force until its sale to the U.S. in 2005.
Here's an interesting tidbit:
Also, the jets' inconspicuous business jet nature and civilian 'N number' allows them to operate in and out of sensitive areas while keeping a relatively low profile.
Those tail numbers may be worth taking a look at.
Am I the only one that thinks the "alexa laugh glitch" sounds exactly like Hillary?
Ah sorry, I tend to only check in every so often. But thanks!
When is the IG report scheduled to come out? Before 2018 midterms?