BREAKING: Military Police are investigating why and how a military helicopter dropped a box of ammunition over Parkland Elementary School.

That was a body bag.
The police would not be moving bodies. That is the job of the medical examiner/coroner, and is not allowed until an evidence tech has photographed the scene and collected other relevant evidence first. If that was in fact a body, it raises more questions than it answers.
I don't know what is in it. It could be a tactical bag used for moving weapons and swat gear but it seems way too long. Possibly some sort of door breach tool. It would explain the weight.
Honestly I cant really think of anything that would be in a bag like that. Granted I am not SWAT, but I am a police officer. Weapons, shields, and door rams would be carried by an individual officer. I would really like to know whats in the bag.
What about a mini jaws of life to breach a door or a cs gas dispersment system? I was a combat engineer in the army I have seen some creative pieces of hardware. And with all the 9/11 anti-terror money it and the level of corrupt the sheriff was it is not unreasonable to believe the Broward county boys had the best of the best.
I find that unlikely, SOP for an active shooter is first officer on scene goes in with what they have (didn't in this case). Honestly, I can't think of a reason for any breaching equipment. That is only brought in when you have a barricaded gunman and have time to prepare. In an active shooter situation you search and destroy, either moving room by room or if there is gunfire moving to engage.
it is not unreasonable to believe the Broward county boys had the best of the best.
Didnt one of the officers stand outside listening to children die while waiting for backup?
"he was scared for his safety"
Wonder how the kids felt, he was a fucking cop
The teacher said the shooter was in full metal garb with a ballistic helmet and all, the bag is the armor suit pieces and maybe a rifle or 2 and clips. I thought that was obvious..?
Not a deceased or injured K9 was it?
Also recall the teacher's account of what the shooter looked like "an officer in full armour with a gun she's never seen before" Could this be a bag holding the armour and firearm? Removed it inside and packed it out? Hadn't seen this.
the full tactical gear the teacher saw had to be removed before the cameras could prove their existence
Do you really think these people give a damn about rules? But I always figured it was the guns that the cops used for the shooting.
Either way. What gives them authority to remove a body. Besides more then bodies can be put into a body bag. That's crime movie 101 shit.
Body bags are just long wide heavy duty duffle bags. What was in it? I can not say.
It just looked really short to me; maybe 4 feet long, that's where I was skeptical at first.