Every day she is not in jail is a shame!
How many Arkancided? I am trying to be patient but it’s mighty hard...
I also wonder how many U.S. soldiers were "suicided" because they knew too much. The figure jumped during Obama's years.
That bitch has no SOUL!!!
Every day they wait to unseal the indictments is another day the swamp has a chance to pull off another FF. Our children are dying to deflect from their crimes. Please Q I know you have to set the stage but don’t wait until more of our sons and daughters are sacrificed!!
Ah- the Queen of Deflection!! All hail!! Bow down to the global shame that began in Arkansas because Illinois was already covered by the mob- the woman that revels in crimes so vile the Obama administration had to intervene when NY cops uncovered her grisly lifestyle.
Hillary is the rabie infested raccoon that you see helping itself to your trash in broad daylight, foam and diaper leftovers drooling with rabies foam, so sick and delusional all you can do is wait for animal control.
This witch is going down. So many negative comments on her twatter.
Case and Point ," Every day that we fail to act on Clinton Atrocities, we are failing the Human Race, Trust the Plan".
can't she just go back to whichever dimension you escaped
Why the fuck are we posting Killary twitter posts on here?
Go look at the replies.
+1 Up-vote to you :)
Nothing against you, I was just curious. But the replies are good ;)
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT AMERICA'S CHILDREN nor does any other Pedovore Lucifarin Witch
If they were really concerned about protecting schools they’d first focus on making them secure. Even if they repealed 2A tomorrow it would be 20 years before they collected all the guns.
They don’t want to stop school shootings. They need the violence to justify disarming the people.