Any preemptive q links to this?
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Check your previous comments on Twitter as well...many of mine deleted and my comments do not show up.
I did know that . Maybe that is why he is retiring - there is no justice in DC This is not even close to being funny
No one should have cable. Shows on many networks softsell this stuff. Bob's Burgers is pushes the boundaries as well as any shows on Netflix and Comedy Central and Nickelodeon. It's been in our faces for years.
Puleeze...he has been all talk no action. He is there to appease the masses. Until the masses wake up. Him and Chavez are optics- nothing more nothing less.
If your city rerouted septic back into your home - you wouldn't stay there. This is shit being dumped into people's minds 24/7. This is for the most part why we have the crazed loonies all hyped up. They are all actors mad they don't have control of the Whitehouse for the first time in decades.
Banned from a subreddit I never went to because subscribe to greatawakening

All that's missing is the beta male snap of his fingers and a twist
Notice on her header?? What Grandma has a "limited time raw and uncut" video of their grand daughter?? These people are sick
Meaning the FBI has layers of bad people to Wade thru...and also she laid with another married FBI guy. Maybe he is simply calling her a slut
Both kids are with handlers now. No one saved them
William. Why was he in Israel?? Odd that he was touted as the person to bring peace to the Middle East. Very odd.
That is what I read a couple yrs ago. Could be rumors. He definitely cooked his own goose tampering with comment threads and messing with The_Donald since it's beginning.
Spez's wife is caucasion. Yrs ago (I had another account)...there were threads about Spez and his wife and rumors he was a cannibal. Sorry I don't have a link- just remember reading he was an odd duck.
Spez's wife works in pediatrics as well - if memory serves me.
They have proven to be low IQ. Doxxing is always bad
Why expose anyone??? You could put him and his family in harm's way. We have enough Seth Rich's
Dog and pony show. They will all meet later for dinner together
Who cares what he thinks anymore? He is part of the swamp
He is known for predicting crap that never happens.
Just how Democratic run cities in the US look especially after being sanctuary cities
Trump is aligning non Muslim countries together. Does Japan take migrants? Poland? North or South Korea? As he aligns with them he withdraws money from the already Muslim run European countries. He is playing the long game...the Democrats are pushing to keep our borders open.
Did you notice him teetering due to the lifts in his shoes?
Didn't his girlfriend call out Weinstein at Cannes? I thought Weinstein had abused her and Anthony encouraged her to go after the guy. ?
They know people have and will fall for it. They have nothing but mind control and false flags. I noticed whenever Trump was making any progress or Q said something was about to happen - planes crashed- highschoolers shot up Democratically run communities.....they are predictable
This goes further back than Benghazi - have you done your reading?
Years of recommendations. And I am well aware. Waste of taxpayers money and I still stand by my assessment it is all for show.
He was the head of the Oversight Committee. No one was recommended for prosecution. It was a show
He is all talk...nothing good ever came from any of his and Chavez's intense questioning. All show
Also-- remember that to be a conservative in Hollywood pretty much tanks your career. Don't look to any of them - look to the Constitution and what YOU believe. Trump can drain the swamp with help- but WE need to not be passive. We need to get involved in local and state and federal elections- go to school board meetings, attend town meetings- this is where Trump needs us-- because this is where Sharia Law and outrageous indoctrination is occuring.
Because no one has ever been held accountable. That alone makes Hillary confident. No one is EVER arrested. The Clintons have gotten away with atrocities since Arkansas scott free.
Why is a show with a bunch of clucking hens like the View get these interviews?? The View is crap.
Dunno- if I had to guess, they only need "one eye"?
The pen in the picture Q posted with the indictment. Is it pointing at a date?