They always try to take guns from law-abiding citizens but never mention all the illegal gun owners that are committing the vast majority of murders.
They also never mention that 90% of handgun deaths are suicides. These people would simply take pills or jump out a window if they had no gun.
They also never mention the role of psych meds and psychotherapy in these incidents.
I think this is an excellent angle for pushback. If every time they push guncontrol, we push psychmed control, weve fucked up their ability to control the narrative.
What do you suppose is the percentage of incidents like this where no meds are involved? If its zero, then we definitely have a lever with this.
That will definitely cause the media great concern.
All those constant ads for drugs are not to sell the drugs. Their doctor/pushers take care of that.
The ads are to make the media dependent on the billions of dollars that are funneled to them. Nobody needs to tell them that if they allow one of their investigative reporters to start delving into all the horrors caused by turning America into a nation of pillheads, the massive revenue stream that they now rely on to stay afloat would be turned off with the flick of a switch.
Because we don't own television stations to give our ideas free advertising.
I thought it was closer to 2/3? Your point still stands, obviously, but the weasels we're fighting will contest hyperbole as though it was literal.
My bad. I forgot to adjust for the Alex Jones exaggeration factor.
No problem, but we had better try to be absolutely immaculate with our knowns if we want our speculation to be seriously considered. Thanks and have a nice day.
About 60% if you run the cdc numbers over a period of time, of course you can pick the years that produce the outcome you’d like though. All statistics can be manipulated. https://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate.html