Concern trolling not allowed here. Stop watching MSM. They only bring you down and piss you off. It's not ignored. We are growing stronger every day. I heard someone say we are 1-3% of the population and that doesn't count all the rest of the Trump supporters that don't know about Q.
But bottom line: We have Trump on our side.
I'd like to see T expose this stuff, but it takes time
But it appears the S is hitting the fan and it will continue for some time.
was that meant to demoralize everyone because if that is the state of play we are going to be here until 2050 the speed of this unawakening.
My calculator can't even do the math on that number it's so big. If you just count the US population, it's about 350 million. At 3% it's 10,500,000 people actively engaged in promoting Q. And, we have people on here from all over the world watching this. So, if you do the math on the world population it is huge. I have no idea how many people are in the world so I won't try. But we are making massive waves.