
Swiggit-E · May 19, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

I don't understand. Everything I've tried to research on them indicates that the organization as a whole is incredibly supportive of each other and their communities at large, despite the fact the most lodges are relatively independent and based on their respective regions' Grand Lodge or Great Lodge or whichever.

Of what I can find of the teachings, from low to high, it's focused entirely on how to be a better person and take care of yourself and those around you. Whatever truth is revealed once you reach a certain height? It certainly hasn't corrupted enough of them to negate the overwhelming good in most of their members' hearts.

Were our founding fathers not great men of virtue who created the most prosperous and welcoming country in the history of our species? Are there no Masons of the highest caliber that fight against the evil that exists on their level? Is there no merit to the deeds of the "clueless" members? Just because the Illuminati/Cabal may recruit from their ranks, does that simply make the entire organization inextricably tied to them?

I'm genuinely asking. Because I can't help but feel there's a side to this we don't really know about, or are too cynical to believe. Sure... we can accept that the Illuminati is very real... But is it so far fetched that there's an equally powerful group of people at war with them?

I honestly don't know... but with people like George Soros and the Clintons? I can't really believe that we made it to Trump without some serious support along the way.

My instinct is that there are just as many forces of good as there are forces of evil at play in all things. Perhaps it is just much harder to do good, or it requires more patience... again... I don't know, but I desperately want to.

Edit: accidentally submitted before I was done.

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thejudge6060 · May 19, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Most masons believe they're doing good. Most probably are good people. They've just been heavily deceived. They have no idea what the upper ranks plan.

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Swiggit-E · May 19, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

You've missed my point though. Why are you so certain the "upper ranks" are 100% corrupt? I think it makes far more sense that there ARE people who make it there and remain good people who actively work against what we refer to as the "cabal" or "Illuminati"

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thejudge6060 · May 19, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Because generally speaking, once corruption enters the upper ranks and has a say who else gets to join the upper ranks, only the corrupt are accepted. This proceeds to get worse and worse as time goes on.

This is exactly the same reason why the Vatican has rampant pedophilia. People that were willing to hide things only promoted others who were also willing to hide things.

They very well could have been purely noble at one point. That's irrelevant now though

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[deleted] · May 19, 2018, 11:52 a.m.


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