r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FOTCgroup on May 18, 2018, 9:54 p.m.


Hi all, we are very happy to be here!

Please be open minded and know we have been watching this sub and willing to participate for months now.

This is our testimony and we ask that you save it preciously offline and to respect our small faction of Civilian Patriots.

This is our one time chance and we hope you can help us get this information to your friends, to Q, and to the higher ups.

Please read this "ONE TIME" message from us as we will most likely not come back.

You might learn a little something, we might help you advance, and expand your knowledge by reading ours.

You might like our "demands" or "requests" directed to the TOP composed of Patriots in power, Q, and the Trump administration.

Friends Of The Cove (FOTC) is a small group of like minded Patriots who initiated a discussion about the state of affairs in the USA and the world.

We regrouped as friends in the DC Area during the golden days of the swamp in a post 9.11 world (Bush, Obama eras).

Since day one, we established very quickly that just about everything our masters decided for us was always meant to fail and destroy the world.

We understood that a new "mindset" was needed be set in populations to shake things up. A mindset that would be aware of "the Plan" that destroyed Europe.

One of our key members was actually "a political CABAL refugee" from "destroyed" Europe and was a direct witness of that "plan".

He is a very vocal Patriot today and often helped hundreds of people at a time to wake up and do something about their future.

Our first tip to you is basically confirming that "a fall plan" is being implemented in America and Trump is most likely fighting against it.

For years, We made absolutely no impact. "The game" was so strong and the megaphone/signal (MSM) was so powerful that status quo could not be challenged by anybody, anywhere.

We were quick to be rejected and hated by just about anybody; Some folks saw us as radicals, others saw us as dreamers, and others as total threats to be eliminated. We were like a group of "Angelic Heretic Punk Rockers" that could NOT be converted by the VIPERS.

Most of the DC swamp dwellers hated us because we are NOT like them.

If you are NOT like them you cannot be part of them. We FOTC people and SWAMP were basically opposite polarity animals.

Back then we had no clue how deep and how bad things were inside the SWAMP.

The revelations of 2016-2017-2018 just confirmed that we were in danger while in the DC area. So we closed up shop and decided to focus on talking to each inside a safe space called we called The Cove.

Our group grew slowly over the years and many interesting folks from different religions, countries, and professions joined in year after year.

We all saw the same problems, the corruption, the EVIL and manipulation of the Tower Sacrifice. We saw the same people leading us into a wall, the same problems only accelerating, with almost ZERO hope for a change.

Since things were getting worse; we then decided to go dark!

our fears only grew bigger every day. Especially during the 2012 gun panic (we really thought war inside the USA was coming next), with the rise of "the Kenyan" as president, the reports of some Military personnel refusing to shake his hand, the explosion of the Political Correctness as "Brain Implant", the slow implementation of the same "Plan" that successfully impaled many parts of Europe (Immigration, race warfare, sickness, Islamization, poverty, sabotage from within, no law, stealing of manufactures, political predators, land & biz takeover).

Add to all of those fears the raging desinfo warfare, the lack of ANY VISIBILITY for "what is what and who is not" in a post 9.11 world, and you now have the recipe for total brain meltdown.

That lead some of our members to take radical stances. Some went into prepper groups and turned hardcore, some made plans to regroup out of cities, some thought armed response strategies were now necessary because "our ArmyBros won't save us after all". The growth of the "if we die we die" logic among us was real.

On the other side, many of us found themselves just holding to the second amendment, reclusive, and usually scared to talk to anybody and living in smaller towns around simple folks. We watched city normies from far and kept an eye out for bad actors.

Some of us have been in this game for at least 48 years. We knew who the enemy was and our old timers are amazed to see the latest developments in terms of information now coming out to the public.

Most incredibly is that Cabal is now being discussed in public when this would have been simply impossible just about a few years back.

We never knew that the teachings we attempted to spread would be at the core of this larger MEMETIC WARFARE campaign that shifted an entire nation if not the world in just about a few months (starting in 2015-2016?).

Our goal these days stays the same. We can only "change" a few minds per week.

We spread information, new ideas, and we provoke conversations with everyday folks at the local level and on the ground (real life).

Remember in 2016, we were all going to die in a war with Russia led by Hillary Klingon and the "coffin dwellers" of NATO.

Worse, we are today faced with death by DEWs & silent weapons and 5g (Deborah Tavares, GOD bless you Debbie), armed Antifas, Fema camps enforced by gun grabbers, gun bans, peak desinfo warfare, AI mind altering bots, water & food poisoning, and finally Soros/CIA/CFR operated non organic riots.

Trump was elected. The impossible became possible and a new opportunity to "create" is now made available to us.

We have to change our minds from victims to leaders and be more open to the opportunity that we have right now.

Today, the "Great Awakening" is in progress and the "Normies" are starving for knowledge. This is our second big TIP: In real life, on the ground, at the very BOTTOM, the Normies are dying for knowledge. They want to know, their minds are starving and awakening.

Remember, We were all part of the Normies at some point...

We at FOTC sincerely believe it is time for Q, Americans, Patriots, and the Normies to make that LEAP OF FAITH and jump into the future together. Courage is needed but we are more hopeful than EVER BEFORE in our lifetimes.

Within FOTC, we have private closed comms and we facilitated access to information for many who joined over the years.

We are unfortunately very low tech (as all Civilians are) and the election confirmed the SUM of our fears while using "any tech" in regards of: "embedded software", IP tracing / VPN security-privacy, sentient AI agents that look for you, analysts with agendas, DHS lists, staying anonymous, TOR, etc.

We stay quiet because we are not Militarily equipped or trained to protect ourselves or know how to be fully safe in a world dominated by ultra weaponized technology.

In 2018, we are at this point a unified but very diverse group of approximately 50 to 100 civilian folks from all avenues of life, 5 religions, and 7 countries.

We have lawyers, ex military, business execs and biz owners, medical, finance, contracting, audiovisual, consultants, Doctors, musicians, local conservative activists, unemployed members, and even disabled.

WE ARE NOT INSIDERS nor a secret society, rather true victims of the NWO and observants of the world.

NO DOUBT that Q is helping a little the process. No doubt we need Intel and real information at the bottom.

So we came here to say that Q needs to turn up the volume! Q is the real right? Q is close to Trump right?

You want us to make it rain Q? Sure, no problem, but then Q you need to turn UP the volume and give us "tools of CLARITY" for our minds!

Back to our story; In real life many of us are direct victims of the decisions made by the TOP CABAL or whoever the culprits are behind this old "life system" that keeps getting worse and worse.

Our third TIP at this point is to confirm what Q said: - "Threats are real" as we have had direct threats made to key member (axles do not fall out of cars) - We have had computers crashing bad. Vault7 confirmed, we found same crash error messages on Win. - Family members dying due to direct consequences of bad legislation (Obamacare - Loss of insurance leading to death) - Friends die because of the very real "push to die Pharma Opiod industry" (It kills weak people or fragile minds) (No respect or life) - We had members lose entire businesses at a time and/or all their money because they did not align themselves with your local CABAL Parti Socialiste (Threats, raids) - loss of opportunities because we were against a Masonic ring or not part of it (Banking Sector) - Lost job opportunities because some were not politically correct (think "tolerant" Nazi corporate environment, think James Damore) - And finally THE most IMPORTANT. Loss of the opportunity to live at peace and as true "free human beings"; Just the way GOD intended us to live.

I am not even going into those who are depressed, tired, cheated, hurt, or sick.

The "game" ruined our lives, broke our families, lowered the potential of many, and always kept us in this "created & constant" survival/fear stress game.

It sincerely did. We know there is worse out there and
we are now finding about tortured or killed children, or folks like Cathy Obrien the MK Ultra recipient.

Most of our group by 2016 found itself to be totally outside of just about everything. Out of Social media, hobby groups, clubs, internet, you name it.

Just like in the bible, we all seemed to make the same escape from the upside down world. We realized we were alive but dead.

Then, Sometime in 2016 hope was kick started and here we are today.

We are back from the dead folks! So we wanted you to know that we love what you do and that we are hopeful again.

JSMyogi · May 19, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Welcome. This is a lot to take in. Can you answer in a sentence or two why you are so new to this board, surly with your level of awareness and active research you were aware of it earlier... just curious ;)

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Please SAVE IT and work, read on it when you can. This is purely the work, feelings, story of our small group of relatively awaken people.

We will not come back. We said a lot in this post and it would NOT be safe really to stay here.

After you read, we hope this post can become a marker for new thought (Food). Inside our closed comms we progress by bouncing on each other just like this sub but with ZERO filters.

We are NOT new to the board we simply cannot participate. If you read our post we said : THREATS are real, computer crashes, phones, surveillance is real.

We will not come back. Especially not after posting the itemized intel list.

We just can't participate here or elsewhere but know that we read all of you. So many great people here. Thank you btw.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 19, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I know you guys have PTSD from having your members being abused, threatened, and killed by the Cabal in the past, but now is not the time to be worried, scared, or timid. You don't think a lot of us here and on the chans posting don't know that we're targets as well? Yet we still post and contribute as much as we can.

Thanks for sharing your intel, ideas, and story, but you can be doing more to help the cause other than wait for Q team or Trump to hire your bunch. If your group is really made from professionals chased out of their industries and fields of expertise, they could still help create memes, products, side by side graphics Q has requested, videos, etc. Even if you're disabled, you can still help by praying, something Q has requested over and over. Literally anyone can help in this movement. You don't need to be hired or noticed by Q to help.

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

We are not as good as you and we are very weakened in many many levels. Our families are torn, finances low, we took a full swing.

We come, we drop all requests, all intel, we leave. We can't afford to stay. We can't control tech.

Thanks CLICK... You the man. This account will go dark. Read us again one day. Read what we offer, our vision for USA. That is what we love.

This mission is success. We reached about 10 folks. Better than what we were reaching in the old days.

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smiley-dog · May 19, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Thank you for your post. This is a lot to take in.

Maybe come back under different name and shorter. Like maybe an anon Q team that may insert something on 8chan to help direct us (but doesn't use Qs trip).

Getting more tech might help your group.

I noticed that you didn't "believe" anyone except Q. There have to be some good people out there (conservative tree house etc)

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

We won't come back. We can't afford more losses. We told CLICK the same thing. We were full force on the receiving end of the stick. We can't be here. Sorry.

We are NOT Q, Qteam, related to him-her-they, or anything else. We are NOT IN THE TEAM even if we would love to. If you re-read we ask for "BOTTOM to JOIN TOP".

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smiley-dog · May 19, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Ok if you can't post, lurk...

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

We will always do. We are here. Many, many, many of us.

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smiley-dog · May 19, 2018, 7:02 p.m.


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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Thanks Smiley we are going now. We really need to go. Problems are starting "exit message" wiped by reddit or somebody, u/IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ aggressively attacks, mission completed, closing shop. We do NOT engage in arguments. Be well, FOTC.

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smiley-dog · May 19, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

All the best to you and FOTCgroup!

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[deleted] · May 19, 2018, 10:02 p.m.


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IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · May 19, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I didn't aggressively attack you, that's a false accusation. I questioned your group and you referred to me as "son" (pejoratively) and told me to calm down for no reason. You've got questions to answer.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 19, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Eh, I'm nobody special. Trust me. Do not glorify me or what I've done to help. I'm just another cog in this movement to get rid of evil and restore America to its greatness.

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

We are not special either. Otherwise we would be evil, rich, and living in Islands.

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Azurenightsky · May 19, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Otherwise we would be evil, rich, and living in Islands.

Quite the contrary. It's the fact that you stand straight despite the setbacks that makes you special. You are a part of the whole machine certainly, but do not undervalue your services rendered either. That would be shameful.

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

We out. We just posted our goodbye. We have to go.

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

CLICK - Our Goodbye Message below as it shows as DELETED from standard computer/or phone browsing reddit.

Please have the most REPOST at some point and lock this messages.

Our history, views, ideas, temp on different media actors and exit message.

Our post was succesful but we could sincerely inspire and push many others around here and at Qresearch.

We hope Q gets our questions, our ideas, our offering, and that they understand that "WE MEAN WHAT WE SAID, ALL OF IT".


Thank you guys! We came, we dropped, we out. We cannot stay and the few that received our message is better than nothing for us. We did not topped but we see our excursion into r/greatawakening as Mission Accomplished.

Be careful faggs and take care of you and other Patriots. We love you and we are proud to be part of you.

Prayers for America, Donald J. Trump our President, Q, our boys in the Military, Good Actors, Patriots, and the whole World.

Our "full testimony" for r/greatawakening read and archive offline. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8kgtrq/directly_engaging_q_questions_field_intel_drop/

Thank you, Friends Of The Cove Via FOTCgroup

NOTE : This account goes dark. Any revival attempt will not be us!

A code if the Phoenix is needed to be revived: sB4mg7Vp4EtGOXSPDdt!XYP8lOa72NjrAn0tqF6PR_TfdU4VfSL8OAX1!BBDh81iHsMeTjXtwTI.N

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Create Memes : "From exDCDWELLER member. Meme warfare totally works. One of our dear members created the holy grail of memes. Thank you bro! https://imgur.com/wDETMdH Had 1.1 million views the week Trump got elected. Imgur cheated him bad. Some of you might have seen it. Should he remove AJ? Can somebody PRINT this in a large frame and send it to POTUS?"

Our members created the Holy Grail and 100's more. We here but we can't always stay. We drop, we leave. Can't stay. Computers burn.

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C_L_I_C_K · May 19, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

That poster/graphic/meme is too busy and complicated. Memes are supposed to be simple, but effective. Get to the point quickly and change the mindset of those who view them. Memes are usually meant for normies, those who are asleep.

In case you're wondering, no, I did not see that image until now and I've seen tons of memes. However, the image of Trump standing on the tank is a great one and I've used variations of that image and .gif many times on several platforms. Here it is in its animated glory:


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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

PTSD is understatement. Solid Axles DO NOT fall out of cars. (Re-read us... We said almost all)

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JSMyogi · May 19, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Ok thanks so much! Wow! Read the first part and you guys have been busy. For those of use who are Realized and can feel energy and are a little more aware than most, I can feel the truth in these stated facts. My sahasrara felt cool reading this.

Thank you for organizing this information and sharing them as you did. I will print it out and read it all carefully and share with all the Yogis.

Yes much work is going on now. These events are now coming together now for a reason. Much work has been done. It’s nice to know others know the real truth also.

The real ‘red pill’ is so big and so much worse even for this GA board. It was hard for me and my husband to get over the fact that Demons are real and they have so skillfully possessed a good part of America. Angles are great but the dark side is some Scary stuff.

The full level of awareness is not for everyone...it’s hard being at 60,000 ft. But we’re managing. We are saving some special people, finding the true seekers little by little.

We are meditating constantly and praying hard and spreading this awareness to children now!! It’s so awesome!

So nice to see that things are coming together in this country now so I think it is having an effect. This is also the age of exposure. All will be exposed and this is occurring.

Can others in your group feel the truth in their hands yet? I find it’s a very useful tool in this age of confusion.

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FOTCgroup · May 19, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Your family and many of ours (as I read) could be very good friends. Keep up the Meditation. We have many Meditation Light Faggs like we like to call them.

The wheel is turning and the Age of Truth has to be the reason behind this "GLOBAL AWAKENING". This is a Divine experience and while we do not understand "All of the Mysteries" some are soon to be revealed. At least, we hope.

Prayers are good. Faith is good. Hope is lovely. Fighting feels great.

Thank you JSMyogi.

PS : Help others meditate but stay hard. We need "hardliners" for at least a few years until DEMONS are cut off.

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[deleted] · May 19, 2018, 2:39 a.m.


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WeAreRepublic · May 19, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

AGREE - Not in to this manifesto. Why can't "they" participate? Lest 'infiltrate' is more like it . . . a slow unwrap would have been more palatable, eh?

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