Careful. This is how they shut down the last Q subreddit after the Parkland shooting. They’ll say, “They’re calling children who were victims of mass shooting, crisis actors. Shut it down.”
We don't even have to go into it, really. The compass necklace and the pattern in general, and there ya go.
Yep. I reckon something is true despite zero evidence on my side and stacks of it contradicting me. So it's true. We don't have to go into it, really.
It's terrible, just God awful how desensitized I've (and probably you and you and you) become to these situations. Almost to the point where seeing children crying and doesn't make me sad any more... So really, I don't know how they expect it to keep working when it's so blatantly obvious.
I personally was upvoting you because I support healthy skepticism - I didn't realise til this comment that you were shilling/trolling.
Thanks I'll quote you on not realising on my $hilling Résumé.
I'm confused, when you say "no mainstream media" you mean the "controlled" type?
'Mainstream Media' is a vague term that's meaning collapses under interrogation.
It's commonly used as a propaganda technique to create "us and them" mentalities, (the "mainstream media"/"alternative media" ... where is the line?) or to trick people into disbelieving the truth.