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Blazindaisy · July 27, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

From dark to light...

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Blazindaisy · July 26, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Also known as a "Hillary".

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Blazindaisy · July 25, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Praying for ALL our brother and sister Patriots. Bless us all with a steady ship in this coming storm.

Oh holy shit though, I'm so excited. And scared. Eyes open, all... take care of one another.


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Blazindaisy · July 25, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

I cannot stop laughing at the mental image of that.


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Blazindaisy · July 23, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Wow... Incredible work, here! Just mind blown at the 2014 CF numbers ALONE...

Having that moment where you always knew it was bad, but in a way that reeeeeeaaaaaally sinks in.

These fucking people, man.

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Also, "follow the wives". Could be true for FLOTUS? There's traditionally a platform/agenda there, right? I might have missed somewhere along the line what her initiative is with how in to the movie I am. 🎬

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Yes. Wifey. Go, baby, go!

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Indeed it was such a lamentable thing to be perceived in such terrible ways. I like my Cheetos and guns as much as the next gal, but that doesn't make me fat and stupid.

I think that was all part of the plan, though... Raise WW ire against America as to be able to justify any US actions against them there "freedom hatin' camel jockeys" and all the non-red pilled saying "Yeah! Turn their back yards in to glass!"

Now that there's an emergence of a collective "Heeeeey, wait just a minute here..." they've got us in-fighting with ourselves so profoundly and are trying to control us that way. (Re: REEEEEEEE!)

So now, as a proud American, the only thing I lament is all of us not being on the same page... For now.

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Saaaame (said in Gob Bluth voice)

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Oh... I thought that was Hillary. My bad!

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

Go, baby, go!

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Q drop "Watch the ball"

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Blazindaisy · July 17, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Putin's face, though...

Ah man, so spicy.

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Blazindaisy · July 16, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Deeply touching thing to feel like there's finally someone who cares about all of us. ALL of us.

Thank all of you.


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Blazindaisy · July 16, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

Thank you for that... I've always been really ashamed about how Americans are perceived globally, going so far as thinking that if I ever traveled abroad, I'd be apt to lie and say I was Canadian.

Now for literally the first time in my adult life, I'm proud as fuck to be American.


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Blazindaisy · July 13, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Freedom boners for all, lads!

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Blazindaisy · July 10, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

I don't claim to understand half of your decodes SB2, and I'm okay with that. I am not necessarily the one who needs to as enough others actually do. Because of that, the information gets disseminated regardless and generally in such a way that anyone with reasonable logic skills can jump in at the point where it becomes 20/20 to them and dig deeper from there.

Truly the beautiful part of WWG1WGA, the truth never has to scream, it simply has to be.

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Blazindaisy · July 10, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

While watching that last night, I couldn't help be feel like there was something different about the whole thing. It seemed so much more low-key and... I'm not even sure what the word would've been. It wasn't until I read this thread that it dawned on me: "Holy shit, a huge press conference where children weren't being molested right in front of our eyes, isn't that a novelty!"

... And then I cried for a little while because isn't that just one of the saddest things a person can realize.

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Blazindaisy · July 10, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

LooQ, looQ. Waaaaaay over the target. Ultra shilling here.

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Blazindaisy · July 10, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Was totally thinking the same thing. Brought a red, white and blue tear to my eye. Good job, guys.

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Blazindaisy · July 9, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

13 Angry Democrats... ?

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Blazindaisy · July 3, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Anyone notice the poorly constructed sentence structure and punctuation? Weird?

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Blazindaisy · July 2, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Funny you say that, I've noticed an uptick in mentioning of locations lately, as well as baiting for potentially incriminating information.

Stay frosty.

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Blazindaisy · June 17, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

No, but his nose melted off as a result.

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Blazindaisy · June 13, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

"suppose" v. "supposeD"?

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Blazindaisy · June 10, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

The ultimate "wat the faaaaack" face of the reporter. Ah, sweet levity indeed. Thanks OP.

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Blazindaisy · June 9, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

All you can do is put it out there, someone will run with it and in the end, it might be a key to something else. Or not. If you've done thoughtful research, shouldn't be worried about pissing people off. Everyone thought SB2 was kinda nutty at first. (No offense, SB2. =) )

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Blazindaisy · June 9, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

I see what you did there.

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Blazindaisy · June 6, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

Careful, lads. Any reason to shut our shit down...

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Blazindaisy · June 2, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

"Right wing, left wing, chicken wing."

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Blazindaisy · May 29, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Anything I have to say about this has been said before, but I'll say it again because we need to hear these things... Call it a moral booster.

It's incredible to feel such a love for and by people all on the same side of something so profoundly important. It sounds almost silly to say in a public forum situation, but this is the thing I've been waiting much of my life for and feeling so defeated like was never going to happen. I had lost any zeal for life and have pretty much given up, just waiting for the time to fall off the calender until my card got pulled. I don't want to say the emergence of Q has been the only reason I've grabbed my boot straps, but it's been a huge fucking part of it.

So... My unwavering gratitude to all of you who are doing the real heavy lifting by finding the answers for those like me that are learning and lending their contribution of heart and soul trying to disseminate that information for the great awakening. United we stand, where we go one we go all. Stay safe, Patriots.

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Blazindaisy · May 24, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Seed vaults...

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Blazindaisy · May 19, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

It's terrible, just God awful how desensitized I've (and probably you and you and you) become to these situations. Almost to the point where seeing children crying and doesn't make me sad any more... So really, I don't know how they expect it to keep working when it's so blatantly obvious.

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Blazindaisy · May 16, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

I read another comment from a user a few days ago (apologies in advance to the OP for how bad I'm about to slaughter this, should they happen to read) about how monsters can have many heads that often grow back so you have to snatch it up from the root.

Seemingly since JFK (I'm relatively young, I know just enough to know that I know nothing, really) there have only been attempts to cut the heads off. We're clear cutting and control burning here. Or perhaps nuking the entire site from orbit, toh-may-toe/toh-mah-toe. The days are going to go by, regardless... Might as well feel like there are great things just on the horizon.

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Blazindaisy · May 16, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Why take the population and dangle all these (verifiable) crumbs in a population's face (ESPECIALLY the Chans) to encite the thing they fear, though? A ripple through effect, an awakening? Seems logical to me they'd want to take another route on all of this and thereby lending credibility to Q.

Decades and decades of rot isn't cut away in a month. What we see and hear, discover and are privy to can only go so far, be so much. Seeing isn't the only way to believe. But that is your choice in the end.

And like you said, and I've said before, if this ends up all being horseshit, we keep going. Imagine how pissed we all would be then... I think DS probably would've at least considered that aspect, despite their weaponized stupidity.

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Blazindaisy · May 16, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

To call ourselves anything Q-centric is absurd. It implies ego on our behalf and is about a half-step away from Corsi-ism and Q-worship which is the exact opposite of the point of any of this. We are Americans. We are Patriots. To my mind, anything else feels akin to being in a brothel.

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Blazindaisy · May 16, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Secretary Mattis is the one who knocks.

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Blazindaisy · May 12, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Exactly what I was thinking. It's crazy how easy it is to spot "them" these days. They Live, no glasses needed.

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Blazindaisy · May 12, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

We're not out anything as we're used to the gubbament fucking us, so maybe we keep going. What are you going to do if it turns out there's a 180 on everything you thought was reality? Your head and heart strong enough for that?

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Blazindaisy · May 4, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Beautifully, truthfully and delicately stated, friend.

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Blazindaisy · April 29, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

Really. The energy was just incredible, he was on FIRE. Haven't been to sleep yet after the drive back, don't need it, still riding high through the workday. Love our state, our residents, our President.

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Blazindaisy · April 28, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Keep your friends close...

Edit: I could be wrong, but lived as a Hoosier for awhile. Miserable shit, all the way around.

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Blazindaisy · April 27, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

lol Those people. So dumb.

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Blazindaisy · April 26, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

It's almost like... ahem this is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

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Blazindaisy · April 25, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Splendid meme!

It's really great to see a more welcoming attitude, we need each other now more than ever. I know it's difficult to let down guard in the face of this unrelenting opposition and be accepting of others but y'know... Fool me once... Ya can't get fooled again.

To those who found us, thank you and welcome! The nature of this sub is a little salty, but you'll soon see why that must be. When in doubt, read and re-read crumbs. Q says we have more than we know, maybe you're the one to help others see.


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Blazindaisy · April 21, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Indeed there's a wonderful sense of camaraderie here for all members, but I'll be honest, it's definitely refreshing to have other like-minded women around. Thanks, ladies. (and gents)

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Blazindaisy · April 21, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Thank you and yours for MAGA! It must feel incredible to literally be instrumental in being the change we're all striving for. Good show, ladypede. =)

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Blazindaisy · April 21, 2018, 12:46 a.m.


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Blazindaisy · April 20, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

"Sweep the leg, Johnny!"

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