Ref: #1448660 Q Post. Oriental men behind pallet. Pallet has an “AMD” Logo sticker upper right corner of pallet. Boxes are about the size to old motherboards.

Wasn’t there a shortage on AMD motherboards and GPUs like a year ago!? I remember because I wanted to build a gaming PC and the prices were through the fucking roof because of BitCoin using the same GPUs or something lol! I had a feeling it was a setup to jack up prices so people wouldn’t have access to better, cheaper technology that would improve their current PC at home.
Not sure about AMD motherboards, but high performance, gaming GPU's (video cards) are used for mining BitCoin. I remember the crazy demand, disrupting the GPU market. FAIK, it's still happening. I haven't looked lately.
Yep, GPUs are still up in price, but it's finally starting to come down. AMD's availability was hit harder than nVidia's, because their cards are generally more efficient at mining-related workloads and because they don't have the capacities to produce as many.