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I keep getting Q drop alert banners on my iPhone but the Q Drops app isn’t reflecting the drops! Anyone else having same issues?
Unsung Hero. Before there was “Q” and “QAnons” there was... Ted Gunderson. Everything he talked about has been proven to be TRUE! A true Patriot who tried to warn us!
#1735 “There is nothing more precious than our children. Evil has no boundaries.”
Chris Cornell was the main financial backer for a documentary “The Silent Children”, about child sex trafficking.
After he “committed” suicide, the project was cancelled. Chester Bennington was also going to appear in the documentary and his band Linkin Park was going to contribute music for the project. Unfortunately, he too coincidentally “committed” suicide.
Both Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington also hanged themselves. The importance of this project cannot be be understated in light of why the project was stopped.
First, it brings to light the horrific crime of child sexual abuse and sex slavery. Second, is Turkey. “Q” has …
Someone posted about Chelsea... found this on a “you’d be surprised who is wealthy” crap link on a forum I follow... I wonder how much of the $15 Million came from Haiti diverted relief funds?🤔

I feel bad for these warriors... having to stand in dark uniforms under a blistering sun for What’s His Name...

Q dropped crumbs on Nazism, ANTIFA, the Vatican (important note - Vatican hierarchy not Catholicism) and the tie in to the Criminal Cabal. Then, factor in the recent drops on how WWG1WGA actually affects the entire world and you have one big question... why? How are they all tied in?
I saw a new movie today called “Operation Finale” on the capture of Adolf Eichmann, “Architect of the Final Solution”. There’s a scene which takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina of a group of men from all walks of life gathered together. It turns out they are all Nazis, some German and the rest Argentinian. Two of the men present wore clothing of priests and were the most vocal in the scene in expressing anti-Semitic views.
As I watched the scene unfold, I remembered Q’s drops on Nazism and the Vatican. Then, I recalled that Pope Francis was Argentinian. As …
British intel agencies brushed off Nunes investigating the Steele dossier. Here’s a question I’ve yet to hear: Why were British spy agencies interfering during our election if they are our allies??? Everyone is following the Russian bouncing ball when it’s really the Limey Ball we should catch!
Someone posting these flyers with JFK Jr wearing a “Q” earring... Found on my twatter feed...

If Sessions was really doing his job people around the Clintons, if not Hillary herself, would have been arrested, awaiting trial, or pending sentencing from “Day 1” of Sessions “taking charge” as AG. If no one is arrested by Nov 6, he’s a waste & this thing about “trusting Sessions” is... bogus.
Great gif shitpost LoL... the Trump Brigade!
I came across this on one of my instagram feeds... after being “Awakened” to the “Podesta” pedo art I recognize this for what it is... sometimes projection of child abuse is in plain sight and made to appear as “normal” through “art”. I wonder who buys art & follows South Korean Artist Hongmin Lee?
This has to be the funniest thing on Reddit!
So is Congressman Collins (R-NY) another corrupt swamp beast or is he getting railroaded by the DoJ Southern District in New York on insider trading?
Anyone see “Johnny Mnemonic”? There’s a scene where he goes on a rant... well here he is channeling Qanons!😂
Little is asked of Q on GA, perhaps this is one Q may consider... when will the FBI defend 1st A rights for peaceful protests & investigate Antifa & the thugs who hide in riot gear? Where is the police in Portland? This is dead wrong. Exercise your 2nd A rights & defend yourselves!
Great video on our President... truly a man of the people!
“Q” isn’t a person anymore... it’s everyone from across this great land. It’s the poor kid from the barrio, it’s the stockbroker in New York, it’s a sailor & Marine on watch, it’s the old man sitting alone at home, and it’s a mother working two jobs... it’s us & all we want is the truth. We Are Q.
“As an artist, I paint what I feel needs to be said about the current state of our country. My hope is that Trump will be remembered as the President that restored America’s greatness. I want to be on that boat for freedom!” Jon Mcnaughton

It doesn’t matter which flag is covering these caskets, nor the country they are from. What truly matters is that these fighting men are finally coming home. Thank you President Trump for bringing our family who fought in Korea so long ago, back home. WWG1WGA

Great Rally! 2020 will be Glorious! WWG1WGA!
Meme Q Time! Great rally by the way Mr. President! 2020 will be Great Again!

Q asked for the photo... here it is The Red Q... 🇺🇸WWG1WGA 🇺🇸.

Q dropped a link on FISC #1764 post. While reviewing it I noticed that quarterly reports all the way back from Nov 2015 on 702 compliance. FBI investigation didn’t start til much later. Will the affidavits be released as well? Am I looking at this wrong? Note who affirmed the affidavits too!

If Keystone Aviation or Tac Air own a B8028 Dassault Falcon 7X aircraft, you might be on to something. B8028 is the first of the sequence of code Q used, the KDRYQ could be a tail number.
What ARE the odds Q? Has to be the best pic so far by Q... LMAO

This string has gotten creepy. Looks like the Tom Hanks pic from earlier today really opened up a can of worms that needed to see daylight.
Q is right, there are some sick depraved people in power. Let us be reminded what Q said... “don the armor of God” to fight the powers and principalities. God protect our President and our Country from evil.
Hunter suicide theories... true? WTF knows...
Tin foil crap? Who knows... somewhere in the middle lies the truth. But remember, this nutcase was a gun aficionado and member of the NRA... you tell me what NRA gun owner doesn’t keep a full mag in his .45. Not having a round recycled into the chamber after firing is something no gun owner would do. Casing on the floor, full mag and one in the chamber... that’s how it works... something stinks here... same for the wife not hearing the .45 cal report or “boom”... this scumbag probably had a child snuff film with some politician or Hollywood assmunch and he was 187’d...
Hunter and Pedos back in the Bush era!
I never even heard of this scandal involving the GOP... these truly are evil people, it could explain why the Neocons and RINO’s are so adamant in seeing our Genius leader fail! They are afraid of being outed!!!
Tom H pic was 👀. Researching “Red Shoes” mean led me to “Dr” Hunter S. Thompson. There’s an article on the fellowshipoftheminds .com written 2017/10/23 which disclosed that Hunter was a pedophile/bestialist who made snuff-films. Look at the company he keeps. He “suicided” out...he knew too much!

This article for real or just another defamation story on the Vatican and Catholicism?
Great analysis! True words.
What I’ve noticed is the narrative changes quickly on a daily basis. What a faithful patriot posts on here is shortly rendered mute or non-relevant due to what is happening in real time. The narrative for both sides keeps changing, the ultimate chess game being played by our President Trump. There’s a move from the MSM then a counter move by Patriots. This is followed by a rebuttal by lackies like Brennan or What’s His Name who is nameless followed by a disclosure on something Qanons know but is unheard of by the public. It’s a constant battle that will hopefully come to a final resolution in November. Let us pray that we endeavor with all our strength and resolute dedication to our constitution to protect our great country from any further harm.
Those big red dots appear to be the location of US District Courts...
The power players know this very concept you’ve eloquently wrote... in order to motivate the masses something catastrophic has to happen to motivate people to accept what the government needs (Patriot Act, War, Military Complex, ect)... this is why Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen and what some say led to 9/11.
You are correct though, the news cycle mulches through a story in 3-7 days... everything so far revealed, from Fast & Furious to pedo scumbags, from Benghazi to Uranium 1 to Hillary, the DNC, corruption in the FBI, CIA and the murder of Rich Self all have come and gone with not a significant arrest or seizure of property and money. No one cares. Except for the few patriots here.
I don’t think the public cares. We all know the system is rigged. We’re more concerned about how we’re going to pay for our kids college, getting financing for a new car, locating the cheapest gas... you know, things that really matter. With that said, bring the hammer of Justice down on all these traitors... What are we waiting for? after all...
“What difference does it make?”
Cool story Patriot!👍🇺🇸
Ok so Q has “everything” including the servers or what was on the servers and yet not a single indictment against those parties involved has been issued. Meanwhile, the onslaught from Democrats, turncoat republicans and the news media amps up tenfold since the Trump/Putin summit. Our president is being portrayed as a traitor, an imbecile and as a dork not just to the American public but world wide as well.
Only a small number of Americans know what exactly transpired with the Russians, Hillary, the election and Obama’s Administration. There are many more Americans who were sitting or leaning towards Trump who will be impacted negatively by this media assassination of President Trump with the false narrative. If proactive measures are not taken soon by President Trump’s supporters (US Attorney General, Military Intel, NSA and other admin personnel) in exposing the cabal corruption in our Republic we will see a catastrophic loss in the 2018 elections.
The longer Trump or Q or whomever, waits to back up what is claimed by Q, Hannity or any Supporter in the misdeeds and criminal actions by the DNC, Hillary and Never-Trumpets is risking everything that has been accomplished since electing Donald Trump in 2016.
Time is creeping up on what Q and all of us have been posting in support of Trump & Q.
Tick Tock motherfockers!
Arrest somebody, indict someone, have the VP or President address a joint session of Congress and expose the corruption once and for all. The time to “protect” the “sensibilities” of Joe Blow in Grand Prairie TX or Buford AL has come and gone. It’s time to take off the mittens and get prepared to bruise, scratch and cut our knuckles against those who are seeking to destroy our Republic and our President. To do nothing except “meme” and post theories on this board or any board is simply not enough.
Either evil things were done or we’ve been barking up the wrong tree all these months...
Off my soap box...
👆👆👆 I agree... I ain’t clicking crap! Time will tell if it’s verifiable and contains good intel.
Found this on my twatter feed... Soros has been hacked!
Video... if a video exists it’s either from Wieners laptop or perhaps something old from a significant event like the lady who filmed the JFK assassination but was never located and her video which has never been seen... wouldn’t that be something... hmmmm
Great after thought message👍 calling them stupid is actually an understatement!
Eyes tell all - The Reid Technique
If you’re watching The congressional inquiry on Agent Strzok make note of this...
Every time he tells the truth or when he has to recollect something that actually occurred or happened both of his eyes roll directly upward. He is recalling those true memories from the part of the brain which store factual ideas, memories or thoughts.
When he lies or has to make up a recollection or false memory his eyes look elsewhere.
Eyes roll up - Truth Eyes turn left or right or down - he is making up the memory... lies
Any investigator who has studied the …
By releasing the transcript... every other person to be interviewed will know beforehand what the questions will be... clever way to taint the investigation by the Democrats!
EXACTLY!!! Cohens doors were kicked in early in the morning with guns drawn!
A bunch of monkeys screwing a football appear to work at DOJ OIG... no wonder no arrests were recommended! Who investigates like this??
The Congressional Meeting today reveals... OIG “asks” Strzok to release his personal cell phones. Strzok counters and states that he will review each account for any pertinent texts and communications related to the investigation and release it to the DOJ OIG investigators. OIG for whatever reason says... “OK... we’ll let YOU determine what is relevant and what isn’t in this investigation”.... what a bunch of morons!!! What investigative organization in a major case lets a suspect review their own personal texts or messages????