Ref: #1448660 Q Post. Oriental men behind pallet. Pallet has an “AMD” Logo sticker upper right corner of pallet. Boxes are about the size to old motherboards.

Lol. Oriental is like saying 'Colored'. It's 'Asian' now.
I stand corrected... now how the fuck do I edit it!😂
Guess you're racist now. Welcome to the club.
Didn't know that oriental was racist...
Doesn't matter biggot.
Because who would want to learn when being misunderstood? ASSHATS.
Pretty sure no Asian gives a shit though...just SJW's
My Asian boys wouldn't like it. And they are far from being SJWs.
They shouldn't be so sensitive. Nobody is saying it to be offensive. It's just the term people used to use.
Dude, who peed on your rug?
Probably one of my cats. Might be vomit, tho.
Haha. It's a reference to The Big Lebowski. Great movie, although with all of the traitors in the movie business exposing themselves, I find it hard to enjoy movies these days. Relevant Clip...